Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Research Areas:
- Extragalactic astronomy.
- Stellar and gaseous content in galaxies
- Low surface brightness galaxies.
- Optical and near-IR extragalactic astronomy.
- Statistical properties of the galaxy distribution.
- Galaxy evolution.
- Large scale structure of the universe
- Email:
- Phone: (56 - 2) - 354 7252
Gaspar Galaz
- Associate Professor, PUC (January 2006+).
- Assistant Professor, PUC (January 2001 – December 2005).
- Andes-Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellow (January 1998 – December 2000)
- Ph.D. (Astrophysics), Université de Paris VII, December 1997.
- M.Sc. (Astronomy), Universidad de Chile, August 1993.
- B.Sc. (Physics), Universidad de Chile, December 1990.
- Awards
- Publications
- Memberships
- PI, FONDECYT Regular Grant 1085267 (2008 – 2011), The Impact of Environment on Stellar Formation in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies. ~US$120,000 (co-Is: Leonardo Bronfman and Nelson Padilla).
- PI, FONDECYT Regular Grant 1040359 (2004 – 2008), Improving our Understanding of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies. ~US$92,000.
- DIPUC starting grant 2001/14E (2001 – 2003), Stellar Populations in Low Surface Brightness galaxies. ~US$7,000.
- Co-I, FONDAP grant 15010003 (2002 – present): Center for Astrophysics. ~US$600,000 per year (shared with other ~20 researchers).
- ECOS-Conicyt grant (1999 – 2001): A study of galaxy evolution up to z=0.6. ~US$20,000 (shared with Valérie de Lapparent).