
Millarca Valenzuela realiza charla pública sobre astrobiología


Creando universos virtuales: académica UC Patricia Tissera obtiene importante reconocimiento interna


Astrónomos CATA descubren nuevos detalles acerca del crecimiento de agujeros negros supermasivos


La noche de Padre Hurtado se llenará de astronomía


Astrónomos descubren exoplaneta joven similar a Neptuno


Astrónomos UC CATA instalan nuevo instrumento chileno en Observatorio La Silla


Academia China de Ciencias fortalece su relación con la UdeC en visita al Departamento de Astronomía


Código diseñado por astrónomo de la U. de Concepción logra reconocimiento internacional


Estrellas masivas podrían no ser tan “gigantes” como se pensaba

La investigación sobre el núcleo de la nebulosa de la Tarántula o 30 Doradus apareció en la última edición de la revista Astrophysical Journal.


Astronomía UdeC recibe a sus nuevos directores de Departamento y Magíster


Más de 100 mil visualizaciones obtuvo el Temporal de charlas de astronomía online de la U. de Chile


Un Temporal de charlas de astronomía online dictará la U. de Chile este fin de semana


Astronomers measure masses for more than 800 supermassive black holes


Creando universos virtuales: Investigadora CATA Patricia Tissera obtiene importante reconocimiento


ALMA obtiene vista privilegiada de duelo entre fuerzas opuestas en incubadora de Gran Nube de Magall


Hoy, en vivo y en directo! Transmisión de la Luna de Fresa


Astrónomos chilenos determinan el origen de 21 satélites del planeta Saturno


Investigador CATA UNAB dirigirá nuevo Instituto de Astrofísica


Investigador CATA es seleccionado en el Programa Ciencia de Frontera


Astrónomos crean herramienta que estudia la composición de las estrellas


Astrónomos logran primera imagen del agujero negro en el centro de la Vía Láctea


Se inauguró Sala de Ciencias de la comuna y lleva el nombre de la astrónoma María Teresa Ruiz


Investigador CATA-UDEC recibe importante reconocimiento en Alemania


La astronomía se pone al servicio de la lucha contra la covid-19 en Chile


Galactic tango: CATA astronomer explains chaotic black hole mergers

Nature released the first plausible explanation for "why" one of the most massive black hole pairs observed by gravitational waves also appeared to merge into a non-circular orbit. A sort of "chaotic triple drama" inside a giant gas disk around a supermassive black hole in a galaxy far, far away sheds "light" on this mystery.


U. de Chile dictará cursos de astronomía online para niños sobre viajes a la Luna


U. de Chile dictará el curso online que recorrerá el universo


¡La tierra es esférica! Más de 1000 mediciones, de Arica a Punta Arenas, lo demuestran

El masivo experimento de ciencia ciudadana liderado por el Centro de Astrofísica CATA y la Universidad de Concepción, no sólo probó -una vez más- “la verdadera forma de nuestro planeta”, además sorteó novedosos premios.


Centro de Astrofísica CATA prepara una “lluvia cósmica” de actividades


Un lápiz y un papel. Las dos claves para probar que la Tierra es curva


Profesor José Maza dictará curso online sobre los orígenes de la astronomía


U. de Chile dictará cursos de astronomía para niños, en marzo

Los cursos se realizarán en formato online y estarán segmentados en dos grupos: para niñas y niños de 6 a 8 y para jóvenes de entre 9 y 12 años. Matrículas Abiertas. CUPOS LIMITADOS.


Monstruos que chocan y remecen el universo


Scientist from the University ofCientífico de la Universidad de Chile calcula “el número de la vida”

The research was published today in the journal Scientific Reports.


Una charla para enamorarte de la astronomía este 14 de febrero


Universidad de Chile ofrece cursos de astronomía para niños y niñas en febrero


Universidad de Chile ofrecerá curso de astronomía sobre cometas y asteroides


La astronomía aterrizará este sábado en el valle de Aconcagua

Talleres presenciales para niños y niñas, charlas sobres viajes espaciales y sobre asteroides poco amistosos, más una jornada de observación del cielo, son algunos de los atractivos de un evento diseñado en conjunto entre el Departamento de Astronomía de la U. de Chile, el Centro de Astrofísica CATA y la Municipalidad de Calle Larga. La cita -pública y gratuita- comenzará a las 18:00 hrs de este 22 de enero y se denominará: Astroverano 2022.


IMPRESIONANTE: 10 Fondecyt regulares obtuvieron los investigadores CATA


Universidad de Chile dictará cursos de astronomía de verano para niños


Universidad de Chile dictará nuevo curso online “Astronomía Desde Zero”


We are hiring postdoctoral researchers in several areas of Astronomy

Ten CATA postdoctoral fellowships in observational, theoretical, and computational astrophysics.



Astrónomo de la U. de Chile lidera estudio clave en la creación del mayor catálogo de estrellas de l


Emocionante comienzo marca lanzamiento del nuevo Centro de Astrofísica y Tecnologías Afines CATA


Profesor José Maza realizará curso sobre el origen de la astronomía para público general


Universidad de Chile ofrecerá cursos de astronomía para niños en diciembre

Los cursos están dirigidos a estudiantes de entre 6 y 12 años. En la iniciativa se analizará el origen y desarrollo del nuestro sol y las estrellas. MATRICULAS ABIERTAS.


José Maza dictará hoy su “última charla de eclipses”


Microsoft y CATA sellán alianza estratégica de cara a la llegada de los megatelescopios

Tras 13 años bajo el liderazgo de la Doctora en Astrofísica de la Universidad de Princeton y Premio Nacional de Ciencias Exactas 1997, María Teresa Ruiz, hoy nace un nuevo proyecto de Astrofísica donde se suman científicos de una decena de universidades nacionales y donde la contraparte tecnológica es la empresa estadounidense.


University of Chile will teach online astronomy courses for kids


Equipo liderado por Astrónomo U. Chile gana proyecto para estudiar Eclipse Total de Sol en la Antárt


Astrónoma de la U. de Chile es premiada por la Academia Mundial de Ciencias

Por primera vez una chilena es galardonada en la categoría de jóvenes que investigan ciencia de frontera, su nombre es Laura Pérez y es académica del Departamento de Astronomía de la U. de Chile e investigadora del Centro de Astrofísica CATA.


Universidad de Chile realizará curso de astronomía online sobre el planeta Marte


Astrónomos CATA figuran en ranking internacional sobre impacto de publicaciones científicas


José Maza y Bernardita Ried se unen en inédita contienda entre mentes brillantes


Universidad de Chile dictará cursos de astronomía para niños en primavera

Los talleres online estarán dirigidos a dos grupos etarios, entre 6 y 8 años y entre 9 y 12. Matrículas abiertas. CUPOS LIMITADOS


U. de Chile realizará curso online sobre los planetas y satélites que podrían tener vida


Astrónomos desentierran galaxias en el amanecer del tiempo.

La investigación, en la que participó el astrónomo de la Universidad de Chile Valentino González, fue publicada hoy en la prestigiosa revista científica: Nature.


Astrónoma chilena identifica moléculas esenciales para la vida en regiones donde se forman nuevos pl


U. de Chile dictará cursos online de astronomía para niños y niñas

El primero de los talleres estará enfocado en estudiantes de 6 a 8 años y el segundo para jóvenes de entre 9 y 12. Se abordarán contenidos como las galaxias, agujeros negros y exoplanetas. MATRÍCULAS ABIERTAS.


U. de Chile realizará maratón de charlas de astronomía para cerrar el mes de agosto


Universidad de Chile dictará curso online de la Vía Láctea para público general


U. de Chile dictará curso que analiza la ciencia del anime, las series y el cine


Por primera vez un proyecto liderado desde Chile obtiene horas de observación “a gran escala” en ALM


José Maza vuelve a librerías con Dibujando el cosmos


U. de Chile dictará en agosto cursos online de astronomía para niños y niñas


U. de Chile dictará curso online de astronomía para público general en agosto

El taller abordará temáticas como la estratosfera del planeta Tierra, los cuerpos cercanos a nuestro planeta, el sistema solar, las estrellas vecinas y la Vía Láctea. Las clases comienzan el 18 de agosto.



Astrónomo del Departamento de Astronomía UdeC liderará un Grupo Asociado al Instituto Max Planck de


U. de Chile dictará curso online sobre asteroides y planetas, para público general

El taller abordará temáticas como la probabilidad de encontrar vida en el universo, la geología de los planetas del Sistema Solar y cuán probable es que volvamos a recibir el impacto de un meteorito. Las clases comienzan el 21 de julio. CUPOS COMPLETADOS


Un asteroide mala persona. La charla online de la U. de Chile en el día del Asteroide

Hoy martes 29 de junio a las 20:00 horas nuestra divulgadora Jennifer Anguita dictará una charla pensada para los niños y niñas de Chile. La actividad se enmarca en el Día del Asteroide, actividad que reúne a más de 25 Instituciones y que es organizada por el Instituto Milenio MAS


Guido Garay: El primer chileno entrevistado por la Star Formation Newsletter


U. de Chile dictará, en vacaciones de invierno, cursos online de astronomía para niños y niñas

Se llevarán a cabo dos niveles, el primero para estudiantes de 6 a 8 años y el segundo para jóvenes de 9 a 12. Se abordarán contenidos como la cosmología Aymara, Rapa Nui y Mapuche. CUPOS COMPLETADOS



Chilean astronomers lead key discovery on the formation of giant planets


The discovery was published today in The Astrophysical Journal, the data were obtained thanks to the ALMA radio telescope, located in the Atacama Desert.



Asteroide es bautizado con nombre chileno…. “patorojo”

El objeto rocoso que orbita entre los planetas Marte y Júpiter ha dejado de llamarse 2000 GZ142 y ha adquirido -como nombre propio- el apodo con que se conoce al astrónomo chileno y Director del Observatorio Astronómico Nacional de la Universidad de Chile, Patricio Rojo.


Astrónomos descubren inusual estrella “parpadeante” cerca del centro de la galaxia


Científicos de la Universidad Chile generan dispositivo para combatir la pandemia

El instrumento que podría llegar a ser hasta 5 veces más barato que otros similares en el mercado es capaz de medir el CO2 en ambientes cerrados, además, puede subir los datos en tiempo real a la nube. El instrumento pone el foco en últimos hallazgos científicos, relativos a la propagación de virus Sars Cov 2, esto es la ventilación de los espacios.


Universidad de Chile dictará curso online de astronomía en junio para público general


Full online será la celebración del Día del Patrimonio del Observatorio Astronómico Nacional


U. de Chile dictará curso online de astronomía para niños y niñas en el mes junio

Júpiter, Saturno, Urano y Neptuno serán los cuatro planetas que abordarán los talleres, que estarán divididos en dos grupos, el primero para estudiantes de 6 a 8 años y el segundo para jóvenes de 9 a 12 años. Cupos Limitados


U. de Chile dictará curso de astronomía online sobre las leyes del universo, para público general

El taller abordará temáticas como la mecánica cuántica y la cosmología. La iniciativa se realizará de forma totalmente online a partir del 19 de mayo. CUPOS LIMITADOS


U. de Chile dictará en mayo cursos online de astronomía para niños y niñas

Se dictarán dos niveles, el primero para estudiantes de 6 a 8 años y el segundo para jóvenes de 9 a 12. Se abordarán contenidos como la exploración espacial y la búsqueda de vida en otros mundos. MATRÍCULAS ABIERTAS.


Astrónomos chilenos detectan candidato a planeta de 5 veces la masa de Júpiter


U. de Chile dictará curso online para público general sobre la vida del universo


U. de Chile dictará, durante abril, cursos online de astronomía para niños y niñas

Se dictarán dos niveles, el primero para estudiantes de 6 a 8 años y el segundo para jóvenes de 9 a 12. Se abordarán contenidos como el sol y los agujeros negros. MATRÍCULAS ABIERTAS


Ganadores concurso pregunta al profesor José Maza


Este año celebramos el Día de la Astronomía con todo

Más de 30 actividades entre charlas y talleres online ofrecerá nuestro Centro de Excelencia, todas ellas abiertas y gratuitas. Participarán astrónomas y divulgadores de la Universidad de Chile, Católica de Chile y de Concepción


El profesor José Maza dictará curso online de astronomía para público general

El curso, de cuatro clases y que es promovido por la Universidad de Chile, comenzará el miércoles 17 de marzo, y en el se abordará desde la Mitología Griega hasta la creación del calendario. CUPOS LIMITADOS


Universidad de Chile dictará cursos de astronomía para niños durante el mes de marzo

Las clases se desarrollarán de manera completamente online y abordarán temas como Marte, el Sistema Solar y las galaxias. Las clases comenzarán el 9 de marzo. Matrículas abiertas.


ALMA comienza instalación de instrumentación astronómica diseñada por la U. de Chile


Astrophysicists discover the most metal-poor globular cluster in the Milky Way’s interior

The study was led by astronomers from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV and identified stars very poor in iron content in a globular cluster located in a region of the galactic bulge that is heavily obscured by interstellar dust, making it virtually invisible in the optical.


Astronomer of the University of Chile finds the missing link of the Black Hole’s birth


The research was published today at The Astrophysical Journal, one of the most important Magazines of the field. The paper focuses on a very particular type of these objects ... the supermassives one.



U. de Chile dictará curso online de astronomía en febrero para público general

La vida de las estrellas es el nombre de este curso que comienza el 17de febrero, en él se abordarán temáticas como las maternidades estelares, el nacimiento y las muertes de las estrellas. CUPOS LIMITADOS.



La Universidad de Chile dictará cursos de astronomía online para niños en febrero

Las clases se desarrollarán de manera completamente online y abordarán temas como el Sol, La luna y las Estrellas Fugaces. Las clases comenzarán el 22 de febrero. Matrículas abiertas.


U. de Chile dictará curso online de astronomía en enero para público general


Universidad de Chile dictará cursos de astronomía y ciencia online para niños durante el mes enero

El primer nivel será para estudiantes de entre 6 a 8 años y estará enfocado en el Sol y sus planetas interiores y el segundo nivel estará pensado para jóvenes a partir de los 9 años y abordará el lado oscuro del universo ¡Matrículas Abiertas!


Universidad de Chile ofrecerá charla magistral sobre los orígenes de la vida


Investigadores del Centro de Astrofísica CATA darán cobertura eclipse en 6 canales de TV


U. de Chile dictará curso online de astronomía para estudiantes


U. de Chile dictará curso online de astronomía en diciembre para público general

Eclipses, planetas y sus satélites serán algunos de los temas de este taller que comienza el día 9 de diciembre. CUPOS LIMITADOS



Universidad de Chile dictará cursos online de Eclipses para niños durante diciembre

El primer segmento será para estudiantes de entre 6 a 8 años y el segundo nivel estará pensado para jóvenes de entre 9 y 12 años ¡Matrículas Abiertas! Cupos Limitados.


TVN y TV Educa Chile estrenarán de manera conjunta programa protagonizado por el profesor José Maz

“El Cosmos del Profe Maza” será la primera serie del astrónomo de la U. de Chile y Premio Nacional de Ciencias Exactas en televisión. El debut se realizará el 28 de noviembre y lo lo mostrará como un personaje animado.


“Bordando su propio firmamento”: el arte de la astrónoma María Teresa Ruiz

Hoy a las 16:00 horas se estrena un recorrido virtual de 360º donde la científica de la Universidad de Chile mostrará su obra textil. La experiencia, que cuenta con la colaboración de Museo Baburizza y Valparaíso Creativo, se enmarca en el Festival de la Ciencia 2020 impulsado por el Par Explora Valparaíso.


Astrónomos de la U. de Concepción ganan millonario fondo para desarrollo científico


María Teresa Ruiz y Grínor Rojo son los nuevos galardonados con la Medalla Juvenal Hernández


Universidad de Chile dictará curso online de la Vía Láctea para público general

El taller, de cuatro clases, se impartirá a partir del miércoles 11 de noviembre. No se necesita de conocimientos previos. CUPOS LIMITADOS


Universidad de Chile dictará cursos de astronomía online para niños en noviembre

El primer nivel será para estudiantes de entre 6 a 8 años y estará enfocado en la vida de las estrellas y el segundo nivel estará pensado para jóvenes de entre 9 y 12 años y abordará el lado oscuro del universo ¡Matrículas Abiertas!


La ciencia detecta elemento inédito en la atmósfera de un nuevo tipo de planeta


Universidad de Chile dictará cursos de astronomía online para niños en octubre

Habrán cursos enfocados en la Luna, para niños y niñas de 6 a 8 años y sobre la observación del cielo, diseñado para estudiantes de 9 a 12 años. Matrículas abiertas. Cupos Limitados!


Universidad de Chile dictará curso online de astrobiología para público general

El taller de cuatro clases se llevará a cabo a partir del miércoles 14 de octubre. CUPOS LIMITADOS


Celebrity Nerd Match Vol. 2, Isaac Newton versus Albert Einstein


Astrónomos de la Universidad de Chile lideran hallazgo de un nuevo tipo de planeta


Celebrity Nerd Match. Una contienda intelectual de otro mundo… aunque online


Nuevos Horarios: Universidad de Chile dictará cursos de astronomía online para niños en septiembre

Los cursos estarán diferenciados por edad y abordarán temáticas como planetas, estrellas y distancias en el universo. Cupos Limitados


Las noches Nerd analizan el pasado y el futuro de la conquista del espacio

Con una jornada aniversario, completamente online, la ya clásica instancia de divulgación científica celebrará un nuevo año de vida. El evento se realizará este jueves 3 de septiembre a partir de las 19:00 horas.


Universidad de Chile dictara curso online Galaxias para público general

La iniciativa se realizará a partir del día 9 de septiembre. Cupos Limitados


U. de Chile y el CATA realizarán maratón de charlas online de astronomía para niños y niñas

La actividad, cuya adhesión será completamente gratuita, se realizará entre los días sábado 15 y domingo 16 de agosto en el marco del fin de semana del día del niño. El ciclo, será replicado en las redes sociales de más 30 entidades que apoyan la divulgación científica en el país, y concluirá con una charla magistral del profesor José Maza.


Conversatorio “Esperando el eclipse: una mirada educativa”


Universidad de Chile dictará cursos online de planetas para niños

Los talleres comenzarán el día lunes 10 de agosto y estarán en dividido en dos segmentos de edad: de 6 a 8 años y de 9 a 12 años.


Universidad de Chile dictará curso online de planetas para público general

El taller comenzará el día miércoles 12 de agosto. Cupos Limitados


Universidad de Chile dictará curso online de planetas para público general

El taller comenzará el día miércoles 12 de agosto. Cupos Limitados


La nueva visión de la luz más antigua de la naturaleza agrega un nuevo giro al debate sobre la edad


Universidad de Chile dictará curso online de astronomía para niños y niñas

La actividad contará con 4 clases y mezclará astronomía, ciencia y dibujos animados. CUPOS LIMITADOS


CUPOS COMPLETADOS! U. de Chile dictará curso de astronomía y ciencia online

Hemos abierto nuevos horarios, durante la semana del 20 de julio más información aquí


José Maza dictará clase magistral sobre el cielo


Astronomers discover a Giant Planet with is Core exposed

The discovery was published today at Nature.


Astrónomos descubren el sistema planetario compacto más cercano al Sistema Solar

La investigación fue publicada en la Revista Science, en ella participaron los astrónomos de la Universidad de Chile James Jenkins, Zaira Berdiñas y Matías Díaz, quienes participaron en la adquisición de datos y confirmación de las señales planetarias.


José Maza nos invita a descubrir la historia de la astronomía en "Bajo el manto de Urania”


Universidad de Chile dictará curso online de Agujeros Negros, para público general

El taller, que comienza el 8 de julio, analizará estos enigmáticos cuerpos capaces de devorar galaxias y triturar planetas. CUPOS LIMITADOS



Astrónomos descubren una nueva “ventana” en nuestra galaxia


Universidad de Chile realizará nueva versión de curso online para niñas y niños

Debido a la extraordinaria convocatoria, de los cursos previos, la Universidad de Chile ha decidido repetir este taller que se llevará a cabo los días 22, 23, 24 y 25 de junio a las 11:00 horas. CUPOS LIMITADOS


Astrónomos chilenos crean una aplicación para visualizar el Universo en 3D


Universidad de Chile realizará tercer curso de astronomía online para niños

La iniciativa se realizará de manera completamente online y se llevará a cabo los días 22, 23, 24 y 25 de junio a las 18:00 horas. CUPOS LIMITADOS


Universidad de Chile repetirá curso de astronomía online para niñas y niños

Debido al éxito de convocatoria hemos habilitado un nuevo horario para este taller pensado y diseñado para estudiantes de entre 8 y 12 años. El curso se desarrollará los días 15, 16, 17 y 18 de junio a a  partir de las 18 horas, a través de la plataforma virtual Google Meet. CUPOS LIMITADOS


CUPOS LLENOS: Universidad de Chile dictará curso de astronomía online para niñas y niños


Google y U. Chile celebran con un doodle a la primera PhD en astrofísica chilena, Adelina Gutiérrez

La académica fue una de las artífices de la primera malla curricular de Licenciatura en Astronomía del país y fue profesora de científicos de la talla de los premios nacionales de ciencias exactas, María Teresa Ruiz y José Maza.


Ph.D Gael Chauvin is awarded with the Charles Defforey- Institut de France Prize

The astrophysicist, who currently works as a researcher at the International Franco-Chilean Laboratory of Astronomy, obtained the distinction along with a team of colleagues for his SPHERE + project, dedicated to the search for exoplanets.


José Maza dictará curso online, para público general, sobre la gran revolución científica

El taller abordará el trabajo y obra de personajes de la altura de Copérnico, Kepler y Newton. Las clases se llevarán a cabo a través de la plataforma Google Meet, a partir del 3 de junio. CUPOS LIMITADOS


Nuevo Horario: U. de Chile dictará curso de astronomía y ciencia para niños (horario PM)

El taller abordará contenidos como el Big Bang, el reino de los dinosaurios y la aparición de ser humano en la Tierra. CUPOS LIMITADOS


CUPOS COMPLETADOS U de Chile dictará curso de astronomía y ciencia online para niños y adolescentes

El taller abordará contenidos como el Big Bang, el reino de los dinosaurios y la aparición de ser humano en la Tierra. CUPOS LIMITADOS



Dr. Laura Pérez is distinguished with the Adelina Gutiérrez Excellence Award


University of Chile will dictate online astronomy course


La iniciativa se llevará a cabo partir del viernes 8 de mayo. 


Scientists Refine Solar System Asteroids’ Analysis

The investigation advances in the study of the genesis of our Planetary System and discovered more than 4000 asteroids after a week of observations. The results were published in the Astronomical Journal.




Sonda Nasa libera las primeras imágenes del asteroide que no debería existir

El hallazgo fue publicado hoy en la revista Science, en la investigación participó el astrónomo de la Universidad de Chile, César Fuentes.


María Teresa Ruiz recibió la Orden Nacional de la Legión de Honor entregada por el gobierno francés


José Maza will teach Astronomy for General Public during March


They confirm the existence of a gigantic mass of gas surrounding the galaxies


Humanity finds the closest Super Earth ever found

The finding was published at Science Advance.


María Teresa Ruiz will open the Universe section of the Volcanoes Museum


Chilean astronomers achieve more detailed image of gas in colliding galaxies


Three new worlds has been discovered from Chile

The results were published today in Nature Astronomy.


U. de Chile dictará curso de Ciencia y Superhéroes durante las vacaciones de verano

La iniciativa de cuatro clases se dictará en el Observatorio Astronómico Nacional Cerro Calán, a partir del martes 14 de enero. CUPOS LIMITADOS


University of Chile will teach astronomy to kids during summer vacations

La Casa de Estudios dictará dos módulos, uno para estudiantes de 6 a 8 y otro para niños de 9 a 11 años. Las clases se desarrollarán en el Observatorio Astronómico Nacional Cerro Calán. CUPOS LIMITADOS


Universidad de Chile launches a web serie of technologies developed in the institution

RAKIDUAM is the unprecedented documentary series promoted by the Vicerectory for Research and Development (VID) of the House of Bello, which seeks to strengthen the national and international positioning of the technologies made by researchers belonging to the institution, to contribute to the solution of local and global challenges that the humanity is facing.


Universidad de Chile will teach a new course of Astronomy & Cinema

Cuando estamos ad portas del estreno del último episodio de la Guerra de la Galaxias, la Universidad de Chile ha preparado un curso para público general que mezcla lo mejor de la astronomía con los más destacado del séptimo arte. Cupos Limitados!


University of Chile will tech astronomy to the children


Chileans design "an artificial eye" to look at the stars

A team of engineers prepares equipment for the new generation of telescopes. The results were published in the scientific journal “Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology”.


University of Chile will teach astrography for general public

The course will take place at the Astronomical National Observartory at Cerro Calán in Las Condes. The classes will begin on December 7th, Saturday  


Scientists developed high-performance low-cost antennas for Astronomy

The investigation was published in the last edition of the scientific magazine IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology and was developed by engineers and investigators from Universidad de Chile and University of Groningen (The Netherlands).


Professor José Maza gathered more than three thousand spectators at Mamalluca Observatory


Great call to the Science Weekend in Cerro Calán

Más de 1700 personas llegaron el domingo 6 de octubre hasta el Observatorio Astronómico Nacional de la Universidad de Chile, para participar en las actividades del Fin de Semana de la Ciencia, impulsado por el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología.


Chileans may baptize extrasolar planet by popular vote


Universidad de Chile dictará curso de astronomía y cine para público general

La iniciativa analizará películas de talla de Interstellar, la Guerra de las Galaxias y Contacto y las confrontará con el estudio de la astrofísica contemporánea. Las clases se llevarán a cabo a partir del 9 de octubre en el Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, cerro Calán.


Universidad de Chile‘ researchers present an astronomical Spin-Off tha could save lifes

The discovery was presented in the 5th Integral Security Exhibution, at Espacio Riesco 


University of Chile will teach a course of Astrobiology for general public


Researchers find evidence of black hole obscured in the early universe


They discover a new “Super Earth” and two “Subneptunes” near our solar system


Universidad de Chile will teach a new “Astronomy from Zero” course


Universidad de Chile will teach astronomy courses for children on winter holidays


International contest invites Chileans to baptize a planet


Universidad de Chile will hold again an Eclipse preparation workshops for children


Talcahuano breaks national record with scientific talk by José Maza


City of Talcahuano seeks to break national record with scientific talk by José Maza


University of Chile will dictate course of galaxies for general public

What are, how they evolve and where they go are some of the topics that this course for General Public will Deliver. In order to aplly fulfill the following online aplication


Chileno es premiado en la fotografía de Saturno desde Cerro Calán


Traducir del: español 51/5000 Se abre la postulación al Experimento Eddington 100


Discovering the forbidden planet


University of Chile will teach a course of Stars & Eclipses for general Public

The activity will take place at Cerro Calán, since June 7th, Thursday. 


Universidad de Chile will hold Eclipse preparation workshops for children

The course will take place at Cerro Calán since June 1th, Saturday.


In Calle Larga begins 3D Planetary Construction


78/5000 The universe could be expanding up to 9% faster than expected


Jose Maza, the astronomer who moves masses


UC reseracher participates in research about the colission of neutron stars


José Maza will present his new book at Teatro Caupolican


With historical participation UdeC: world astronomical community presents first image of a black hol


University of Chile will teach a course of Blac Holes, for general public

In order apply, please click here


Scientist will develop a survey in order to understand that state the Data Science in Chile


Astronomers of the University of Concepción achieve the most accurate measurement of the Universe

The paper, that took 16 years of research, appeared today at Nature.


University of Chile will dictate astronomy workshop on the laws of the Universe

In order to apply to the course please fulfill the following online application


Chilean astrophysicist proposes correction to the law of the fire of life


Government launches first Astroturistic Route of Santiago


José Maza will teach an Astronomy Course for general public in march

In order to apply, please fulfill the following online aplication here 


Science and Technology take over the Aconcagua Valley

The activities begin this Thursday


Two stars under the same sky. The scientific bet of January in The Cultural Corporation of Las Conde


Nearly a third of all galaxy clusters may have been previously unnoticed

The paper was published in the last 2018 issue (Dec 20) of the Astrophysical Journal and was led by the astronomer of the University of Chile and researcher of the Center for Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies CATA, Luis Campusano.


An agreement was signed to build the world‘s most powerful gamma ray observatory in Chile


Scientist discover that planets get formed way before that it was expected


University of Chile will dictate a course of Astronomy for kids on January

Classes will begin on Janary 7th, Monday at the Astronomy Department of the University of Chile. 


University of Chile will give a course Intergalactic Media

The course will include a Star Party with optical telescopes, with the possibility to observe the Planet Mars. Classes will start on January 9th, Wednesday.


María Teresa Ruiz will launch her new book

The event will take place at City Hall of Vitacura next Tuesday. If you want to assit just fulffil the following online aplication


Astronomers find weird variable star

El trabajo científico, en el que participaron investigadores del Centro de Astrofísica CATA y del Insituto Milenio de Astrofísica MAS, muestra a una estrella cuyo brillo aumenta y disminuye sin un patrón establecido.


Scientists discover the largest Supertierra near our Solar System


Universidad de Chile dictará curso sobre evolución de las estrellas para público general

The course will begin on October 5th, December


Astronomers find key relationship between the collision of galaxies and the voracity of black holes


University of Chile will dictate astronomy courses for kids during the summer

The classes will take place at National Astronomy Observatory


University of Chile will dictate workshop of the Milky Way for general public

The course will begin in November 5th.


José Maza logra nuevo récord. La charla de divulgación científica más masiva de la historia de Chile

Seis mil personas asistieron a la presentación de “Marte la Próxima Frontera” dictada por el Jefe de Comunicaciones del Centro de Astrofísica y Premio Nacional de Ciencias Exactas 1999, José Maza Sancho. El evento se llevó a cabo este jueves en la Medialuna Monumental de Rancagua.


University of Chile will teach astronomy to kids during the Spring

The course will take place at the Astronomy Departament of the University of Chile


Astronomer of the Catholic University participates in the detection of the origin of cosmic rays


Radio astronomy for beginners, the new astronomy course at the U. de Chile


Astronomers establish a relationship between brightness and the diet of black holes

A group of researchers led by Paula Sánchez-Sáez, a doctoral student of the Department of Astronomy (DAS) FCFM of the Universidad de Chile, managed to determine that the rate of light variability that emits the material that is being swallowed by supermassive black holes in nuclei of active galaxies is determined by the accretion rate, that is, how much matter they are "eating".


Astronomer reveal a critical moment previous to the death of the Stars

The discovery was published today at Nature Astronomy


Astronomers discover two giant planets

Both objetcs orbits stars similar to our Sun and they are almost 1500 light years from Earth, in the Constelations of Ophiuchus and Aquarius.


Mundos en el Universo, el nuevo curso de astronomía de la Universidad de Chile

Son casi 4000 exoplanetas los que se han encontrado más allá de los bordes del Sistema Solar. ¿En qué se parecen estos a lo que hemos aprendido en el Sistema Solar? ¿Cuáles son las pistas de la vida en el cosmos? ¿Cómo investigamos sus superficies y atmósferas? De esto y más se hablará en este taller para público general que comienza el 5 de septiembre.


José Maza will give the Lecture about Mars

In a free and unforgettable event, the National Science Prize Award 1999 promises to transport the audience, literally, out of this world. If you want to be a part of this Public Talk fulfill the following online application


University of Chile will dictate the course Infinite Universe

The course will take at Cerro Calán


University of Chile will dictate the course Infinite Universe

The course will take at Cerro Calán


Undergraduate Chilean student wins international contest inspired in María Teresa Ruiz

Javiera Hernándes, student of the Undergratute programa of the Astronomy Departament FCFM U. de Chile, eas one of the winner contest Girls Up, of the United Nations


Revealing for the first time the history of Chemistry and Dynamics of the IC 166 Open Cumulus in the


University of Chile will teach a course for kids during Winter Vacation

The classes beging on July 17, Tuesday at the Astronomy Departamet FCFM, University of Chile


University of Chile will teach a course about the Laws of the Universe

The course will take place at National Obervatory of Chile at Cerro Calás. Classes begin on 1 of August, Wednesday.


Gaia DR2 & APOGEE: A six-dimensional model of the Orion star formation complex allows us to visualiz


The universe of ALMA. The new course of Astronomy for General Public of the University of Chile

The course will take place at Cerro Calán and will star on July 4th, Wednesday.


University of Chile will teach an astronomy course of Interstellar medium

The course will begin on June 6th, at Cerro Calán.


More then 27 thousands students enrolled in the first online astronomy course of University of Chile

The course "Approaching to the stars", available at EduAbierta, is the most massive since the University of Chile began to explore the new digital educational formats.


Astronomers detect galaxy that was formed shortly after the Big Bang

The research was published today at Nature.


University of Chile will teach an astronomy course for kids this automn

The activity will start on May 22, Tuesday.


University of Chile will teach an online astronomy course

The initiative will start on Monday 22, May.


Astronomers discover asteroid exiled outside the Solar System

In the paper participated the astronomer of Catholic Universityt of Chile and CATA‘S research Thomas Puzia.


Astronomy achieves the largest stellar census in history

The paper register more than 1.700 millions of stars in the Milky Way


Inminent colision of black holes reveals an inedit galactic situation

The researched was published at Nature.


CNRS visits Astronomy Departament of the University of Chile

The visit was leaded by Antoine Petit CNRS President and took place at the Chilean Astronomy Observatory, Cerro Calán


University of Chile will dictate course of Galaxies for general public

The curse will begin on May 9th, Wedneday and will take place at Cerro Calán Observatory (Las Condes)


Astronomer detect, for the first time, a graveyard of stelar remains


The scientists explain that it would be remnants of black holes that travel through space and settle near to the center of the Milky Way. The academic of the Institute of Astrophysics UC and CATA-MAS researcher, Franz Bauer, participated in the discovery.



More than 40 lectures will be given by CATA scientists during the Day of Astronomy

Dozen of public lectures, remarkable artistic exhibitions and Star Parties are some of the actvivities that the Astronomy Day will offer this year.


CATA for three more years


University of Chile will dictate the course "Astronomy from Zero"

Amonf the contents will be the Origin of the Universe, the Birth & Evolution of the first galaxies and the Instruments of the Next Generation of Telescopes. The course, of four classes, will start on Wednesday 4th, April. 


José Maza will teach the course Observational Astronomy

The course will begin on March 26 at Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, Cerro Calán.


Chilean astronomers develop new technique to study the halo of galaxies


José Maza will dictate astronomy workshop for the general public


Astronomer of the University of Chile presents a video of the center of the Milky Way


Earliest galaxies in the Universe’s history spun like the Milky Way

Astronomers have looked back to a time soon after the Big Bang, and have discovered swirling gas in some of the earliest galaxies to have formed in the Universe. These ‘newborns’ – observed as they appeared nearly 13 billion years ago – spun like a whirlpool, similar to our own Milky Way.


The first moments of the universe were not as we thought


Department of Astronomy of the U. de Concepción obtains record of award of projects for 2018


University of Chile will teach a course of Radioastronomy for General Public

The initiative will take place at cerro Calán January 10th, Wednesday.


DAS laboratory exports technoloy for the world‘s largest radio telescope


Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences visits DAS


Astronomers create perfect method to measure the mass of black holes


University of Chile will teach a course about exoplanets

The contents has been prepared for General Public. The course will start on December 6th, Wednesday at Chilean National Astronomy Observatory, Cerro Calán.


University of Chile will teach Astronomy curses for kid in December

The activities will take place at Cerro Calán. (Las Condes)


Astronomers observe First Light from Gravitational Wave Source

In the paper participated Franz Bauer, astronomer of Catholic University and CATA‘s researcher


University of Chile will dictate and advanced course of Astrobiology

The initiative, of five classes, will take place at the Astronomy Department of the University of Chile. The course will include a Star Party session with telescopes.  


Astronomers discover a new family of Red Giant Stars

The research led by the postdoctoral researcher of the Astronomy Department of the the University of Concepción, José Fernández has discovered a new family of stars with a chemical composition never seen before in the Milky Way.


University of Chile will dictate a course of Star Evolution for General Public

The curse will star on November 8th and will take place at Cerro Calán. 


Astronomer published article at Nature about how Back Holes destroy their food

Claudio Ricci postdoctoral researcher at Catholic University of Chile and CATA is the author of the article that explains the relation between the light produced by the ‘feeding process" of a Black Hole and their surrounding material


University of Chile will dictate a course of the Milky Way for General Public

The course will star on October 4th, Wednesday.


University of Chile teach astronomer to Primary School Teachers

The iniatiative took place at University of Chile (Casa Central) and the National Observatory of Astronomy at Calan Hill.  


The Astronomy take over the O‘Higgins Region

Four young researcher of the Center for Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies will deploy eleven public talks during the day.


Teachers learned astronomy at National Astronomy Observatory

The activity took place at Cerro Calán.


Astronomy Olympiads in Quiriquina Island

This will be the first time that scientific encounter will take place at Bío Bío Región.


University of Chile will give an Astronomy course for childrens

The initiative will take place at National Astronomy Observatory on Wednesday 20, September.


Astronomy wins its fourth National Science Prize

Guido Garay, astronomer and academic of the Astronomy Department of the University of Chile is the new National Science Prize. The award recognized his contribution to the study of Star Formation.


University of Chile will teach a course of Dark Energy for general public

The course, of four classes, will take place at National Astronomical Observatory since Wednesday 6th, September.


International astronomers will gather in Chile to discuss the history of the Milky Way

The meeting will take place at the Catholic University of Chile. 


University of Chile will teach a course of Stars, for general public

The course will be held at the National Astronomy Observatory (Cerro Calán) and will star at August 9th, Wednesday.


University of Chile will teach astronomy to kids

The workshops will be held from July 10 at the National Astronomical Observatory, Cerro Calán.




University of Chile will teach a course of Astrobiology for General Public

The initiative, of four classes, will take place at the National Astronomical Observartory, Cerro Calán. The applicants will not require previous knowledge of the topic.


Great audience arrives to the book launching "Hijos de las Estrellas"

The event was held in Centro Araucano Park, in addition the attendees were able to observe through portable telescopes one of the most beautiful planetary visions in the night sky: The planet Saturn.


Astronomer find a more precise key in order to determine the Expansion of the Universe

In the paper participate the astronomer of the University of Concepción and researcher of the Center for Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies.


Astronomers deliver new data from Alma about Star Formation

The paper was published in the last version of Astronomy & Astrophysics.


The heart of the star, the new course of astronomy of the University of Chile

This educational initiative will take to the assistant one step forward in the understanding of the universe. The course will take place at the Astronomy Department of the University of Chile ad will begin on May 16th, Tuesday.


Astronomer published an article exploring the magnestism in Bynary Stars

The paper was published in The Astrophysical Journal


Astronomers perform simulation that allowed search for super massive binary black holes

Three researchers of Catholic University of Chile develop this paper that established that light signals of the fusion of binary black holes are different from what was previously predicted. 


University of Concepción signed an international agreement in order to develop the Astronomy

The agreement will bring to Chile a radio telescope of 10,4 meters of diameter


Misterous Cosmic Explosion is detected by astronomers

In the discovery worked Franz Bauer and Ezequiel Teister both astronomers at Catholic University of Chile and researcher at Center for Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies.


María Teresa Ruiz obtiene distinción internacional por su labor científica


La astrónoma de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile recibió el premio “For Woman in Science” en la categoría Ciencias Físicas, en representación del continente sudamericano. El reconocimiento fue otorgado por Loreal-Unesco, en Paris.



University of Chile will teach an astronomy course for general public

The course will start on April 12 at Cerro Calán. (Camino del Observatorio 1515, Las Condes)


University of Chile will teach a course of Astronomy for begginers

The course will start on March 15. 


Orbit of Proxima Centauri Determined After 100 Years

The research was leaded by Pierre Kervella, astronomer od UMI-FCA and reseacher of the Astronomy Department, University of Chile


First Announcement. Stellar Populations Workshop

The initiative will take place in Santiago during March 2 to 3 in Santiago


Successful Congress of Pulsating Stars concludes in San Pedro de Atacama

San Pedro de Atacama was the scene chosen to congregate the attendees of this event that covered the latest advances in the area of Pulsating Stars, and its multiple applications in contemporary astrophysics.


Astronomy worskshop for childrens in University of Chile


A succesfull Astronomy Series of Conferenes concludes in the Chilean Academy of Sciences

There where four public and free talks dictated by reseachers of Center for Excellence in Astrophysics and Asssociated Technologies CATA


The Astronomy take over Canal 24 horas

CATA will be the first of the Chilean Research Centers that will be part of the program "Exploradores: del átomo al cósmos". In this chapter the main invited will be María Teresa Ruiz, Director of the entity and President of the Chilean Academy of Sciences. El estreno se realizará el miércoles 16 de noviembre.


Pulsating variable stars will take over the Chilean North

Between November 28 and December 2, the world‘s leading experts from this Astronomy field, will meet in San Pedro de Atacama.



University of Chile will teach course of the first Galaxies

Among the contents to address are: the origin of the universe and birth and evolution of the first galaxies. The four classes‘s initiatve will be held at Cerro Calan Observatory (Las Condes) since Wednesday 23th, November.


Astronomy public talks in the Chilean Academy of Sciences

The sessions will begin next November 2th at the Auditorium of the Chilean Academy Science. More information click here


Astromers predict the closest Gravitational Lensing event

The discovery should could improve, up to 100 times, the estimated distance to Alpha Centauri, the nearest planetary system to our world. The paper was published today in Astronomy and Astrophysics.


Chilean astronomer study the Star who "eat" the planets

The discovery was made by Claudia Aguilera, PhD student in Astrophysics at Catholic University. The article was published in the latest edition of The Astrophysical Journal.


Cluster’s Advanced Age in Razor-sharp Focus

The paper was leaded by Douglas Geisler, astronomer at University of Concepción and researcher at the Center for Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies. 


Astronomers discover ancient star in center of the Milky Way

The discovery was achieved with the infrarred telescope Vista of Eso. In the research participated Dante Minniti, astronomer at University Andrés Bello and reseacrher of Center for Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies.


Astronomy Student of the University of Chile wins the L’Oréal Chile –Unesco Award

The recognition will allow the student to have a internship at Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at China.


University of Chile will teach a course of Star Evolution

The "Magic Pot" is the name of this four classes‘ course, for general public. The initiative, will begin on Wednesday 26th, October at the Chilean Astronomical Observatoy placed in Cerro Calán (Las Condes, Santiago). 


Ronald Mennickent is the new Director of the Astronomy Departament at University of Concepción

One of the targets of the new autority will be develop  anew graduate programs of Astronomy (Msc. and Ph.d) and to consolidate the leadersip role in Astronomy that Departament has gained during the last decade.


L‘Oreal Unesco announces continental distinction for Chilean astronomer

The professor of Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile and President of Chilean Academy od Sciences, María Teresa Ruiz is the new winner of the award "For Woman in Science" for Latinamerica, in the category Physical Sciences.


Astronomers solve key aspects about the puzzling formation of the Carina Galaxy

The discovery explains how the Carina dwarf galaxy -located at 300 thousand light years from Earth- formed their stars. These findings were published on the current volume of The Astrophysical Journal.


Social actions will be the new target of the Outreach area at University of Concepción

The Astronomy Departament at University of Concepción will focus in Social Actions trough different activities and the generation of links with community.


University of Chile will teach course of Alien Life

The academic initiaive will take place at Cerro Calán National Observatory, since September 28th, Wednesday. Among the contents are Solar System, Space Travels and Terraformation in Mars.


Astronomers clarify the role of the environment in the evolution of galaxy clusters

In the research, publised in the last edition of Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society participated two astronomer of University of Concepción: Ricardo Demardo y Pierluigi Cerulo.


University of Chile will teach a course of planets for general public

The course begin on Monday 5th, September at the Astronomical National Observatory (Cerro Calán, Las Condes)


Planet Found in Habitable Zone Around Nearest Star

Its name is Proxima b and is just over four light years away from Earth. The discovery will be published tomorrow at Nature. In scientist team participate James Jenkins, astronomer at University of Chile.


University of Chile will teach Cosmology for General Public

The course, of four classes, will endeavour to explain the origin and nature of the Observable Universe. The sessions will start on August 31‘ Wednesday at the National Astrononomical Observatory, Cerro Calán.


Chilean astronomers detect persisten jet in a forming star

An international scientist team leaded by Chilean astronomer at University of Chile, detected the movement of a jet associated to the last forming stage of a massive star. The results were publised in the last edition of The Astrophysical Journal


Chilean scientist simulate the growth of black holes

By using computational simulations, two scientists from the Astronomy Departament at University of Chile reproduced the growth of the first black holes in the Universe. The work was published today at Monthly Notice of Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS).


Astronomers at Universidad de Chile determined a method to estimate the masses of supermassive black

To know the mass of these objects, which are present even in our Milky Way, is fundamental to understand how they affect the galaxy in which they are located


University of Chile will give two astronomy courses during August

Exoplanets and Milky Way are the two courses that OAN will teach at Cerro Calán. 


Chilean astronomers reveal images of protoplanetary disks in the Carina Nebula

Thanks to observations of ALMA researchers from Catholic University of Chile and the Center for Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (CATA), obtained the first image of these disks on which they may be forming planetary systems similar to our own.


ALMA Will Detect More Distant Objects with Band 1

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Board officially approved the production of Band 1 receivers developed by an international team led by the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA). When installed the observatory will be able to detect the most distant and earliest star-forming gas reservoirs in the Universe, and to see dust grains grow to cm-sized pebbles around nearby stars: the first steps of planet formation.


University of Chile will give a course of the searching of life in the universe

There is life outside our planet? What are the effort that mankind are doing in order to find out? these are two of topics that this course of four classes will deliver.


University of Chile will give a course of astronomy for kids

The course will take place at Cerro Calán.


University of Chile will dictate a course of Stars

This course will be taught during four classes that will take place at Cerro Calan Observatory, starting on June 8, Wednesday. No previous knowledge is needed.


University of Chile inaugurates an astronomy workshop for teacher in Huechuraba

The initative is funded by the Anillo de Cosmología


The Transit of Mercury

The cosmic phenomena will broadcasted through


Cata‘s astronomers of Concepcion received an important recognition

The awarded scientist are Douglas Geisler and Wolfgang Gieren.


University of Chile will train primary school professors in astronomer teaching

How the planets get formed, how was possible life on Earth and How gravity influences on our lives are some of the questions that primary teachers wil learn to respond in this program of updating knowledge. The initiative is sponsored by the ESO–Government of Chile Joint Committee


University of Chile will give a course of Black Holes

"The biggest enigma of the universe: Black Holes" is the name of this four classes‘ course that begins on May 11. The initiative will be held at the National Astronomical Cerro Calan Observatory. In order to to apply send an email with you info to: 


Chilean astronomers propose new method for studying distant galaxies

Scientists from University of Chile Astronomy Department published their results in the last edition of The Astrophysical Journal on Monday, April 11th.


Baptized school with the name of astronomer José Maza

The school, located in Antofagasta, will get the name: "Instituto Científico Educacional José Maza Sancho"


On the eclipsing binary ELHC 10 with occulting dark disc in the Large Magellanic Cloud

The discovery was published in the last edition of Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.


One step closer towards understanding of the black holes thanks to the University of Chile

The discovery will appear next Friday in the scientific journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The article describes the interaction between the radiation and the dusty clouds that surround black holes.


University of Chile will deliver a course of Galaxias

What are, how do they evolved and what is the role of Dark Matter in this large clouds of dust and gas are some of the topics that will cover this course of four classes that starts on Wednesday 13, April



Astronomer of Catholic University of Chile becomes the new Director of MAS

Manuela Zoccali, astronomer at Catholic University of Chile & CATA‘s researcher, becomes the new Director of the Milleniun Institute of Astrophysics


Ronald Mennickent got a City Hall Award on Sciences

The prize was given to the CATA-UDEC astronomer in the 464 aniversiary of Concepción.


Planning Starts for MOS and HIRES Instruments on the E-ELT

The world’s biggest telescope gets the world’s best instrumentation


Astronomy Day in Chile

More information here


Chilean astronomer reveal the misteries of Bynary Stars

The scietntif group was leaded by the CATA‘s researcher and astronomer of the University of Concepción, Ronald Mennickent who develop remarkable findings in the indentification of Variable Stars, knowed as DPVs.


University of Chile will teach a course of Observational Astronomy

The course will start on March 16, Wednesday, at Cerro Calán (Camino del Observatorio #1515, Las Condes). In order to apply you must send an email to


Chilean astronomer wins a "Max Planck Partner Group"

Jorge Cuadra, who studied his Ph.D ar Max Planck Institute in Germant, was selected as a leader of one the forty ‘Partner Group‘ that exist around the world. 


Astronomers discover an ancient black hole in a globular cluster

In the paper participated the CATA‘s astronomer, Dante Minniti


Astronomers say a Neptune-sized planet lurks beyond Pluto

CATA‘s astronomer analize the discovery of this new world


Follow a Live Planet Hunt!

A unique outreach campaign has been launched that will allow the general public to follow scientists from around the globe as they search for an Earth-like exoplanet around the closest star to us, Proxima Centauri.



We present Megacam deep optical images (g and r) of Malin 1 obtained with the 6.5 m Magellan/Clay telescope, detecting structures down to ~28 B mag arcsec−2. In order to enhance galaxy features buried in the noise, we use a noise reduction filter based on the total generalized variation regularizator.


Last astronomy courses for general public

The first one called: " The darkest enigma of the Cosmos. Black Holes" will start on Friday 20, November; meanwhile the second one, named: "Far away from our imagination. Exoplanets" will star on Monday 23, November. Both courses are designed for general public and will be teached at the National Astronomical Observatory, Cerro Calán.


The light will shine next Tuesday

The Congres called: Ventanas al Universo (i.e. Windows to the Universe) will take place next Tuesday 17,November between 10:00 and 18:00 hours


University of Chile will give a course of the Milky Way

The classes will start on Thursday 22, October at Cerro Calán.


A journey in the Universe

The astronomer of the University of Chile, María Teresa Ruiz gave this lecture at: Academia Chilena de Ciencia


University of Chile will deliver a course of the Solar Systema and Alien Life

The classes stars on September 24th, Thursday. At Cerro Calán, Las Condes


We are Stardust

The talk was given by José Maza, astronomer at Univesity of Chile and researcher at Center for Astophysics CATA. The initiative gathered more than 120 people.


Chilean astronomer discover the planet tha should not be there

The object is three times bigger than Jupiter and it is located at 293 Light Years from our Planet, distance equivalente at the size of Tarantula‘s Nebula.


University of Chile will give a Cosmology Course

The course, of four classes, will look forwrd to explain the origen and nature of the observable universe. The clases will take place at "Cerro Calán", Las Condes.


Asteroids talks gather more than 100 people at Santiago Downtown

The talk was given by the astronomer of the University of Chile, Cesar Fuentes.


The universe in the palm of your hand

Although, initially, the man only was able to understand what his naked eyes allowed him, in time and with the technological advances he began to understand its vastness. Something that it is not over yet


How to destroy the Earth with black holes

If a super villain would like to use one of these objects as a weapon, to threaten us, he would not have a guaranteed success.


Talk of Star Formation gathered more 160 people

The lecture took place at "Academia Chilena de Ciencias" on Wednesday 29, July. 


More than 100 peoples enjoy talk about black holes


University of Chile will deliver a course of Astrobiology

The course will beginf on Friday 24th, July.


University will deliver astronomy course for kids

The courses will take place at Cerro Calán Las Condes. 


UC astronomer will give a public talk of Galaxies

Gaspar Galaz, astronomer at UC & CATA‘s researcher gave the lecture: "Galaxies. Bricks of the Universe" In order to assist please register here


Seeing Where Stars Collide

Using the advanced adaptive optics system GeMS, on the Gemini South telescope, astronomers have imaged a beautiful stellar jewel-box – a tightly packed cluster of stars that is one of the few places in our galaxy where astronomers think stars can actually collide.


A Celestial Butterfly Emerges from its Dusty Cocoon

The paper was leaded by Doctor Pierre Kervella, researcher of the Joint International Unit Franco-Chilean Astronomy (UMI-FCA) at Universityt of Chile.


University will deliver a course of Galaxies

What are, how do they evolved and what is the role of Dark Matter in this large clouds of dust and gas are some of the topics that will cover this course of four classes that starts on Friday June 19


Astronomy Deapartments of University of Chile and Yale signed a memorandum of of understanding

The document signed by Dr. Guido Garay, Director of the Astronomy Department of University of Chile and Dr. Pieter Van Dokkum, Director of the Astronomy Departament of University of Yale, established several benefits for both scientific communities.


The daark side of the Force filled the Chilean Academy of Sciences

The lecture took place last Wednesday (28th May) and was delivered by the astronomer of Catholic University of Chile, Alejandro Clocchiatti.


Astronomer of LLAMA get together at University of Chile

Between 11th to 13th, May took place -in Santiago- the International Meeting of Astronomical instrumentation of proyect LLAMA (Large Latin America Millimeter Array), a radio telescope that will be built by Argentina and Brazil, with Chilean scientific cooperation .


German scientist propose a new model for the interpretation of the Universe

The Physic was by the Anillo de Cosmología of the University of Chile


Haw many new stars get formed since you borned?

The Milky Way already has a one hundred billion stars, nevertheless, the stars are still coming up!


Astronomer will give a free lecture related to Dark Energy and Dark Matter

The lecture will take place on Wednesday 27, May at 18:00 hrs at the office of "Academia Chilena de Ciencias" (Almirante Montt 454, Santiago)


Chile joined a proyect that will build a new astronomical complex

Since last week Chile has become part of the scientific group behind Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), array that seeks to build 100 telescopes in order the study the Gamma Ray in the universe. It is not yet decided where the proyect will be build it, Chile is competing with Namibia and Argentina.


University will deliver a course of Exoplanets

The module called "Planetary Science: Solar System and demystified exoplanets", will start on Thursday May 28 and will be taught by astronomer FCFM of the University of Chile, Patricio Rojo, in Cerro Calan.


Photons of the Big Bang: From then to now, a chaotic journey that alters them

Measure how the footprint of the beginning universe allows us to understand not only their evolution but also their objects.


Call for 3rd Astronomical School Congress


Viaje al interior de un agujero negro


Launch of ChiVO, the first Chilean Virtual Observatory

After more than two years of work, last April 24, was launched the first Chilean Virtual Observatory (ChiVO), an astro-informatic platform for the administration and analysis of massive data coming from the observatories built across the country. Its implementation will provide advanced computing tools and research algorithms to the Chilean astronomical community.


Chilean astronomers launch a book about Black Holes

The event took place at FCFM at Universiy of Chile.


UDEC‘s astronomer achieved an amazing discovery related to Binary Stars

Astronomers of University of Concepción along wit scientis of Subaru Telescope in Hawai were able to measure the radius and mass of an eclipsing binary star conformed of two Red Giants t located at two thousand light years from Earth.


How astronomy changes the world

Answer the most basic questionsof the universe and its laws are the main reason that moves this science, but in the search of this answers society also get some Spin Off


National Chilean Science Prize launch a new Astronomy Book

The astronomer of the University of Chile, María Teresa Ruiz, the writer Margarita Schultz and Condin Ediciones publish "+ Universo: Ciencia & Ficción" (i.e. + Universe: Science & Fiction)


All that glitters is not gold

A year after the announcement of BICEP2, the illusion of having detected the origin of the universe vanishes itself confronting the rigor of scientific evidence.


Chile will have the LSST


Astronomer solve the misteries of the "old solitary stars"

These are very old stars that have been eyewitnesses of the formation of galaxies like teh Milky Way,  and have survived to tell us thta the story.


The pioneer of the Chilean Astronomy dies

On Saturday April 11, Dr. Adelina Gutiérrez ceased to exist. For many she was one the precursors of astronomy in our country. Former professor of the Astronomy Departament of the University of Chile she was the first Chilean woman who obtained the Ph.D. grade in Astrophysics in 1964. (at University of Indiana, United States)


University of Chile organizes international meeting on High Mass Stars Formation

The meeting, called Soul of High Mass Star Formation, took place between Sunday 15 and Friday March 20th days in the city of Puerto Varas.


Chile will have 48 hours‘ day

Public Talks, visits the observatories and sky parties are among the activities that will be deployed during the festivities.


Can Chile build a telescope?

Astrónomos dicen que es posible, pero requerirá de apoyo foráneo para importar la tecnología que no está disponible en el país


Astronomer of the University of Chile participate at research of Black Holes

Paulina Lira, astronomer at University of Chile & Cata‘s researcher was the one who elaborated the code that allows the discovery


Intestelar Pollution. For Study not for breath

In space abound molecular gas such Carbon Dioxide . Although, in Earth CO2 is feared because is poisonous for humans, but up there is a key gas, in fact it allows us to better understand how Stars form.


Traveling Planetarium is about to begin and adventure at the North of Chile

Astrobus, leaded by the astronomer of the University of Chile & Cata‘s researcher, José MAza, wll have a dome and several portable telescopes


Stars and the origin of the Cosmic Elments

The inner part of the stars are responsible for making most of the chemical elements observed in the universe, and that is the reason why we should understand them.


CATA‘s astronomers will participate inthe Fourth Congress of the Future

María Teresa Ruiz, Gaspar Galaz and Alejandro Clocchiatti will be part of the fourth version of the international conferece. The scientist will deliver their lecturers next Fryday 16, January. The conference will be broadcasted by streaming.


The Kepler‘s Legacy

Thanks to the satellite Kepler now we know that the Milky Way has  more planets than stars, and that many those have similarities with Earth.


Paper confirms that Large Magellanic Cloud is double what it was thought

The results corroborate a prevoius research of Ricardo Muñoz, astronomer at University of Chile & CATA‘s researcher. The discovery also shows that the galaxy have a non-uniform structure at their outer edge.


one more second for 2015

June 3, 2015 will have 86.401 seconds and no the traditional 86.400 of a regular day. That day one second will be added in order to adjust the atomic clocks with the Earth‘s rotation movement.


José Maza will give a public lecture at Concepción

The event will take place next on January 8th, Thursday at 20:00 hrs at Parque Alessandri Park. The event will include observation of stellar objects with portable telescopes.


What will be the use of the new big telescopes that we have at the horizon

New technology and powerful instruments will alow us to study objects at the Early Universe and details of Extrasolar Planets, among other things


About Cosmic Scales and the legacy of Newton & Einstein

In astrophysics, the mass determines almost everything, but it is very difficult to measure it, accurately. When it does so, however, we take quantum leaps in our understanding of the universe.


CATA 500 capture an image of the comet Lovejoy

The comet that will light the Christmas night has show his is "face" to the telescope CATA 500. The image shows the celestial object at the height of the constellation of Columba, with a magnitude (brightness) estimated at 7.1.


Interstellar film inspired graphic simulation of scientists at University of Chile

The visual experiment was led by Andrés Escala, leader of the Theoretical Astrophysics Team of the Astronomy Department of the University of Chile, and developed by Constanza Yovaniniz,undegraduate student of the same Unversity.


CATA‘s astronomer will participate at CHilean Astronomy Web (CHAW) Workshop

The Workshop will be held in Santiago, Chile, between 18-19 December 2014. The purpose of it is to foster international collaborations by welcoming young Chilean scientists that are doing their PhD or Postdoctoral studies abroad. The invited speakers would share their research in a variety of Astrophysical topics with the local community.


The Milky Way, our cosmic environnment

The night sky crossed by the Milky Way is not a coincidence, considering the fact that we are here, taking a look of "her"


CATA‘s astronomer participate of Chileglobal 2014

Dante Minniti, astronomer at Universidad Andrés Bello & CATA‘s researcher gave a lecture about the chllenges of the Astrophysics for the next decade.


Concludes successful ALMA Band 1‘s meeting at University of Chile

The panel brought together experts from Japan, Taiwan, USA and Chile who discussed about the group‘s progress on the design and construction of the prototype receiver for Band 1 for ALMA.


The light gets curve: Right on Einstein!!

We cannot only observe the universe with telescopes, created by ma.  The cosmos itself also helps us in this task.


University of Chile offers astronomy courses for kids and teens

The classes will be taught At Cerro Calán (Las Condes, Santiago). The price of the courses will be $50 thousand pesos. More information at


Astronomer at University discover new clues in the Star Formation process

Astronomers using the ALMA radio telescope detected that the supersonic jet and the accretion disk survives the ultraviolet radiation generated by the birth of a massive star. This discovery refutes existing theories, indicating that ultraviolet radiation from the star would destroy molecular gas and dust, and bringing the first direct detection of ionized gas wind along with a supersonic jet and an accretion disk. The research results were published in The Astrophysical Journal.


CATA‘s astronomer participate in the inauguration of Red Song Telescope at Canary Island

The telescope, of one meter of diameter, is the first one of a net of eight that will be installed in the whole planet. The infrastructure are part of Stellar Observations Network Group (SONG), in which will participate the UC astronomer, Márcio Catelán.


Astronomer of CATA is part ofthe team who win the 2015 Breakthrough Prize

The award, which was granted for the Breakthrough Prize Foundation, in the Fundamental Physics category, awarded the whole High-Z Supernova Search Team for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe, the same research that in 2011 receibed the Nobel Prize in Physics.


Cata's astronomer will give free talk at Iquique

The presentation called " Clash of Galaxies" will take place on September 7, Friday -18:30 hr.-  at hall CRP 41, campus Playa Brava at Universidad Arturo Pratt. In order to participate send an email indicating: name & rut to


Astronomers study the absence of Lithium beyond the Milky Way

The astronomer at University of Concepción and CATA‘s researcher, Sandro Villanova, is part of the international team who depvelop the study.



The Universities of Chile & Princeton will give Astronomy public Lectures at Antofagasta

The Big Bang and the mysteries of the Universe are the main topics of this outreach activity sponsored by the Anillo of Cosmology of the University of CHile. 


Water Vapor Detected on Neptune-sized Exoplanet HAT-P-11b

A team of astronomers from the United States, Chile and Europe has detected water vapor in the atmosphere of a Neptune-sized extrasolar planet known as HAT-P-11b, which is now the smallest exoplanet ever on which water vapor has been discovered.


José Maza will give three Astronomy lecture at the Region of Antofagasta

The presentations will take place between Wednesday 23 October in Taltal, Antofagasta and Baquedano.


Hubble Finds Extremely Distant Galaxy through Cosmic Magnifying Glass

The team was able to identify the structure in the time when the universe was only 500 million years old. (Nowadays the Universe id 13.800 million years old)

Peering through a giant cosmic magnifying glass, NASA‘s Hubble Space Telescope has spotted one of the farthest, faintest, and smallest galaxies ever seen. The diminutive object is estimated to be over 13 billion light-years away.


The Cata‘s astronomer María Teresa Ruiz & Dante Minniti will give two lectures of astronomy, these are respectively: Exploring the Universe. Ground Zero: Chile & Life on Earth and out of our World. 

The Cata‘s astronomer María Teresa Ruiz & Dante Minniti will give two lectures of astronomy, these are respectively: Exploring the Universe. Ground Zero: Chile & Life on Earth and out of our World. 



Astronomy Departament at UDEC offers an Astrophotography course

The course will take six classes (indoor) and one extra session outodoor.Those who want to enrole must send an email to moc.liamg@aimonortsa.otnematrape o llamar directamente al fono 2207246.


Astronomer at University of Chile will give a lecture about the colonization of Mars


The Latin American astronomy met in Santiago: Adela 2014

Moore than 100 researchers across all the Americas gathered this week, in the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics of the Universidad de Chile.


Astronomer brought together thousands of Atacama's students

Super Earths Found Circling Ancient Star

Ancient aliens among us? No, not here on Earth, but maybe circling a dim old star right here in our own stellar neighborhood. James Jenkins, astronomer of University of Chile was part of the research.


Univerisity of Chile announce a WiFi patent

It is a high frequency antenna, which will permit to overcome the data transmission speed of the currently Wifi technology.


Astronomers of Univeristy of Concepción explored the Skies of Santa Maria island

One night with clear sky was the perfect ending for the astronomical opeating tour that Astronomy Departament at UDEC developed last Friday on Santa Maria island



UC astronomers progress in the definition of one of the dark matter‘s particles candidate

With this result our scientist aid to establish -with high accuracy- precisely where to look this particle-which by now is only theory- and they improved the definition of it.


UDEC astronomer coorganizes Extragalactic Distance Scales‘s meeting at Munich.

Wolfgang Gieren, former director of the Astronomy Department (UDEC), had a leading role in the call process of scientist aat the international meeting. The instance will be held between 26 May and 26 June at the Munich Institute for Astro - and Particle Physics.


UC astronomers find a new Nova

The research is the result of a collaboration between "Universidade Federal de Sergipe" (Brazil) and UC, the huge explosion was detected using data of the VVV survey and is the closest to the Galaxy Center ever found.



Seven proposal of Catholic University of Chile obtained observed "time" in ALMA

One of the proposal is leaded for Felipe Barrientos, astronomer at IAA UC and CATA‘s researcher. The initiative was on of the two research that gain time secured observation time.  


Dante Minniti will participate at "Encuentros del Mercurio"

The scientist will give a lecture about the vision of science about the possibility og the existence of live beyond the Earth. More information here


Chilean astronomer aid to unravel the inner workings of pulsars

The discovery shows, for the very first time, that sudden accelerations of these stellar beacons are due to a specific behavior of superfluid having inside.


Lunar eclipse 2014

On April 15th, 2014 the moon will be eclipsed by the shadow of the earth. This marks the first of four eclipses occurring about 6 months part, called an eclipse tetrad. The last tetrad was a decade ago, and the next is not due until 2032.


María Teresa Ruiz will present her last book at "Biblioteca de Santiago"

The event will be free of charge and will take place tomorrow, April 9 Wednesday, at midday (Sala Juvenil, Biblioteca de Santiago). In order to assist send a mail to 


Galaxy Zoo in Spanish is presented in Argentina

Galaxy Zoo in Spanish was presented in Argentina on Buenos Aires and Plata. The initiative was conducted for the Director of the inititiave and astronomer of University of Concepción, Ezequiel Treister.


Astrobus is presented at Tarapaca region

The initiative was presented in Iquique and Alto Hospicio, on bothoccasions the astronomer of University of Chile, José Maza, gave the Master Class "We are Stardust".


First Ring System Around Asteroid

Science was only aware of those structures on planets like Saturn and Neptune.


Public Lecture about Gravitational Waves at Santiago

The lecture will be given on March 26 (15:30 hrs) by the Ph.d in Physics, Dr. Denis Barkats at the Astronomy Department of University of Chile.  In order to enrole please send a mail to


Scientists detected the first direct signal after the Big Bang

Physicists found direct evidence of the first moments of the universe. Experts of the Departments of Astronomy & Physics at University of Chile, explain the importance of the Discovery.


"Pucheros" of Centre for Astro-Engineerin UC, published its first scientific results

The spectrograph "Pucheros" installed in the Teaching Observatory Santa Martina UC aid an international team of astronomers to confirm the data obtained from a supergiant star.


New Astronomy Course at University of Chile

The course called: "Short trip to the past, present and future of the Universe" will take four sessions and will be lectured for the Ph.D. in astronomy Sebastián López. 


One small star, one small planet... at least!

A group of astronomers from the UK and Chile reports the discovery of eight new small planets orbiting nearby red dwarf stars, three of which may be habitable.


Collaboration Project between Chile-China Research Digital Signal Processing for Radio Astronomy

The project aims to improve data processing techniques of radio telescopes like ALMA, which allow to study the electromagnetic spectrum, in especial the millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths, which is invisible to the human eye.


Chilean Astronomer leaves his signature on an asteroid

The newly named asteroid "Maza" or 108113 as it is called in astronomical terms, is a rock that measure between three and four square kilometers and is located about 180 million kilometers from Earth.


Personal Space, the sky «I like»

Have you ever desire to know what was above your head the day you borned? Stars, Constelations, Comets and much were moving around, and now with "Personal Space" you will have the chance to know was happened there.


Astronomer of University of Concepcion leads Galaxy Zoo in Spanish

The proyect was launched at Concepción the second largest city in Chile.


First Planet Found Around Solar Twin in Star Cluster

Six-year search with HARPS finds three new planets in Messier 67


Astronomical citizen science project lands in Chile

Galaxy Zoo in a digital plataform of Astronomy which aim is to classify galaxies according the thier form. 


Three-Star System May Challenge Einstein‘s Theory of Relativity

A recently discovered three-star system is proving provocative as scientists studying the system‘s properties suggest they may violate a key concept in Albert Einstein‘s Theory of Relativity, which is at the center of our understanding of gravity itself.


Catholic University of Chile prepare teachers in Astronomy

The workshop will teach to the professors several tools for teaching the universe among Primary and Secondary Schools.


Chilean Girl launch new astronomy Software

The software -created by Valeska Zambra, undergraduate student of Physics at University of Chile, identify visible stars in the southern hemisphere that have exoplanets. In order to use the program please click here


CATA 500 discover his first Supernova

CATA 500, the telescope of University of Chile is the first one to be designed and operated for local experts. Placed in "Cerro Tololo" (i.e Tololo Hill), the instrument analize 300 supernovaes per night. 


Chilean astroinformatics platform joins International Virtual Observatory

The project designed to manage and analyze the almost 250 terabytes of data that the Atacama Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) will generate each year has joined the International Virtual Observatory Alliance, becoming a key initiative in Chile‘s contribution to astroinformatics around the world.


Citizen Science and Astronomy in Chile

Today at 19:30 at Public Library of Antofagasta the Cata‘s astronomer Ezequiel Treister and David Azócar, community manager of Galaxy Zoo in Spanish and Gloria Proyect of Robotic Telescopes, will give a lecture about the phenoma of Citizen Science.


Astronomer José Maza dictates course of astronomical spectroscopy at Las Condes

The initiative consists of five classes, which will be held on Friday evening. No previous knowledge is required and the course is open to the all public.


Astronomer of the Univesity of Chile conduct research of Low Mass Stars

More than two thounsad candidates of young low-mass stars were identified by an international team of astronomers, led bypostdotoral researcher of Astronomy Department  at the University of Chile, David Rodriguez.


Scientist of University of Chile prepared the instalation of astronomer facilties at Antarctica

The proyect is lead by the University of Chile‘s astronomer Patricio Rojo, who expect that the telescope will be in operation by 2020.


The galaxy’s ancient brown dwarf population revealed

A team of astronomers has discovered two of the oldest brown dwarfs in the Milky Way Galaxy. Among the scientific crew were two astronomer of the University of Chile: James Jenkins and Avril Day Jones.


The Chilean Astronomy now is avalaible for Android Smartphones

Chile Mobile Observatory is an App developed by Fundación Imagen de Chile, to deliver a piece of the clearest skies in the world directly to the user‘s hands.


Black Holes astronomers conclude succesfull meeting at Colchagua Vallley

The meeting focused on two major astronomical subjects: how supermassive black holes grow during galaxy collisions and how the large release of energy, that occurs during the growth of these phenomena, affects the rest of the galaxy.


Astronomy in Chile impacts the world press

The report of "This is Chile" shows that the astronomical discoveries - between  July & September, 2013 - were one of the three most Chilean themes mentioned in the international press. Two of this discoveries were related with CATA‘s researchers.



UC astronomers create an space "tomography" that allows the observation of objects at the same time

Combining three-band spectrum, the researchers observed the Virgo cluster with hundred times higher resolution than before. What they found weas amazing.


University of Tokyo performs Chile forum

The initiative will hold a series of events, one of them will be the workshop: "Astronomy and Astrophysics in ALMA" at Cerro Calan.


Total solar eclipse will be broadcasted from Kenia, this Sunday

The event will be avaliable in Internet among 11:20 and 11:30 AM (GMT- 3, at Continental Chile). The activity will be conducted by Gloria Proyect (of robotic Telescopes)


María Teresa Ruiz launch an astronomy book for teens

The book is compilation of texts of a variety of authors that got their inspiration from the Universe in order to write their own thoughts. Among them are Julio Verne, Nicanor Parra, William Shakespeare & Neil Armstrong.


María Teresa Ruiz is selected by BBC World as one the 10 science leaders in Latinamerica

The astronomer of the University of Chile & Cata‘s Director was highlighted by the Brithis media for their contribution to Science. She was also, the unique Chilean mentioned in the list.


Astrobio 2013 meeting begins inscription process

The meeting will be hosted at Campus Casona de la Condes at University Andrés Bello. One of the purposes of the workshop is to create a Chilean National Astrobiology Society.


Chile, China sign agreement on astronomical research

China and Chile agreed on an annual fund of $3 million for joint astronomical research on Friday.


Astronomy research center launched by China, Chile

This is the first scientific  "astronomical adventure" out of their territory. In the next future, China will add one telescope for research. The fist step of its investment will be for US$ 3 million. 


Astronomers at University of Chile explain how a star is devoured by a Black Hole

The scientists produced an animation in which using  Einstein’s relativity showed how the phenomenon will occur. The publication will be released  –in paper- on September 14 in the Astrophysical Journal Letters


The Peanut at the Heart of our Galaxy

ESO telescopes create the best 3D map yet of central bulge of the Milky Way. Among the scientis that works in this reserch are Manuela Zoccali and Dante Minniti, both astronomer at Caholic University of Chile & CATA‘s researcher


Final Countdown for the First School Astronomical Congress at Biobío region

Between September 12 and 13  University of Concepción will host over 50 school students in order to expose their research on topics as varied as black holes, extrasolar planets, and galaxy evolution


Discovery challenges theory about rejuvenated stars

The discovery shows that blue stragglers -stars that appear to be younger than how they really are- would form by a process of stellar cannibalism between binary stars and not by stellar collisions in low density environments.


The peculiar dynamics of galaxy clusters

A subtle effect allow us to read new information on the cosmic microwave background.


ALMA reveals luminous birth in the Milky Way

Thanks to data detected with the ALMA radio telescope, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, Chilean and foreign astronomers were able to detect a star in formation–a protostar–that appears to be one of the brightest and massive found in our galaxy.


Dissecting X-ray Emitting Gas Around the Center of Our Galaxy

The research obtained the most accurated information ever achieved about the "feeding process" of Black Holes.  Amog the scientist team is Jorge Cuadra, astronomer at Catholic University of Chile. 


Astronomer of University of Chile will give astronomy public lectures at Atacama Region

The CATA‘s reseracher will give four presentation -two in Capiapó, one in Chañaral and one other in Caldera. The first one will be given at "Teatro Municipal" of Copiapo on Thursday 22, August.


Cata's Director gives a public lecture at Santiago

The presentation will be given today by the Cata‘s Director, María Teresa Ruiz at "Academia Chilena de Ciencias" in Santiago. The entrance wil be free of charge (previous registration by Internet).


ALMA Takes Close Look at Drama of Starbirth

Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have obtained a vivid close-up view of material streaming away from a newborn star, two of these scientis are astrophysics from University of Chile: Diego Mardones and Guido Garay.


Aurora Borealis back on air from Greenland

The maximum of the solar activity is approaching! Like in 2012, an expedition to observe the Aurora Borealis from the south of Greenland will take place in the period 24-29 August. Named Shelios 2013, the expedition is promoted by the scientific-cultural association Shelios and is coordinated by its president Miquel Serra-Ricart, astronomer of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands and member of the GLORIA Project. 


Astronomía in our Soul

This is the name of lecture that professor Dante Minniti, astronomer at Universidad Católica and CATA‘s Researcher, will give today at Casona de las Condes‘ Campus, at UNAB.


We will find planets similar planets to Eart in the next decades

Paul Butler is one of the most succesfull exoplanet hunters of the Earth.


Chilean Stdudent discover a Nova

Unlike supernovae, these phenomena do not result from the destruction of the star who origin it. The type of discovery, of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, in very unfrequent and are only known a dozen of them.


Winter Astronomy Activities at University of Concepción

The activities will take place between 5th to 9th of August and will covers subjects such: Public Lectures about How the Man reach the Moon, a workshop of luminic pollution, astronomy for kids, and much, much more


Universidad de Chile offers Astronomy Courses

As every year, the Department of Astronomy (DAS) at the University of Chile, offers courses for all lovers of the universe, where the only requirement is the desire of learning.


A Meteor Shower is Coming for this weekend

NASA announces that the "Delta Aquarids" will illuminate the sky from 28 to 30, July. The phenomenon will be visible to the naked eye in Chile.


José Maza will demystify today doomsday claims

The astronomer at the University of Chile and CATA‘s researcher will give a free talk today at 19:00 hrs at "Centro Cultural GAM". The entrance to the event is free.


ALMA Prenatal Scan Reveals Embryonic Monster Star

Among the sciientific team who made the discovery was the Chilean Jaime Pineda, former Master Degree Student at University of Chile, who‘s currently work as a researcher at University of Manchester, England.


Season of Cosmology Talk at University of Chile

The conference will be held at FCFM at University of Chile, the talks are free to public. During the season the CATA‘s researcher, José Maza, will explain the supernovae phenomena.


Hubble takes a picture of the comet ISON

The object will approach to our planet in November, and was portrayed by Nasa‘s telescope between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.


Opening GLORIA RT network to the public

The first of 17 telescopes of the GLORIA (GLObal Robotic telescope Intelligent Array for e-Science) network was opened for free public access.  This telescope, TAD (Telescopio Abierto Divulgación solar – “Open Solar Popularisation Telescope” is situated at Teide Observatory (Canaries Astrophysics Institute) in Tenerife and  on the Web. Very soon, the second telescope, TELMA (TELescopio MAlaga -”Málaga Telescope”) will scrutinize the night sky at the BOOTES-2 station (EELM-CSIC) in Algarrobo Costa (Málaga) (


Astronomy lecture for deaf people

The Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the "Asociación de Sordos de Chile" (i.e Chilean Deft Association) present a lecture oriented to a hearing impaired public. 


Astronomy Winter Courses for childrens

Learn basic concepts of the universe and get marvel with the mysteries of our solar system, in an entertaining and educational way, is what Astronomy Department (DAS) at the University of Chile, offers for this winter holiday.


Book gathers the finest scientist of Chile

The astronomer María Teresa Ruiz is part of the book "Mentes Brillantes (i.e. Brilliiant Minds) a publication focus on finest scientist in Chile.


Three Planets in Habitable Zone of Nearby Star

A team of astronomers has combined new observations of Gliese 667C with existing data from HARPS at ESO’s 3.6-metre telescope in Chile, to reveal a system with at least six planets. A record-breaking three of these planets are super-Earths lying in the zone around the star where liquid water could exist, making them possible candidates for the presence of life. This is the first system found with a fully packed habitable zone.


The Super Moon is Back

On Sunday 23, June, our Moon will be able to be seen as biggest as it possible with naked eyes. The natural satellite will achieve the minimum distance from the Earth.


Massive attendance marked The Fourth Season " of Astronomy Initiation" at UDEC

La iniciativa se realizó entre los días tres y 10 de junio, en ella 187 escolares de 1ro a 4to medio de la Región del Biobío, llegaron a la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas UdeC, para conocer aspectos fundamentales de la ciencia astronómica.


We will have a Rain Star here at Chile

On June 11, the little studied gamma Delfínidas return to the skies of Earth. Find out what is the best way to enjoy them.


We are "basically unprotected" against the fall of meteorites

In the Southern Hemisphere there are no telescopes dedicated to tracking asteroids or meteorites. The only astronomical program that monitors the southern skies will end on July.


Approaching asteroid 1998 QE2 has its own moon

The 70-meter Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, California picked up the moon for 1998 QE2 during the night of May 29-30.


CATA′s director will give lecture at Quillín

The astronomer at the University of Chile, María Teresa Ruiz, met with more than 200 students of the commune, and then she had a meeting with local teachers.


CATA′s scientist will give an astronomy lecture at Copiapo

The conference will be helded today at 16:40 hrs. during Segundo Foro Regional de Ciencia Escolar (i.e Second School Regional Science Forum), organized by the Chilean Ministry of Education in collaboration with the University of Atacama, CRIDESAT and Universidad Santo Tomás.


VLT celebrates 15 years with nearly 5000 research

The largest optical telescope in the world is installed at Paranal Observatory, in the Region of Antofagasta


Three solar flares in 24 hours

Three spectacular eruptions experienced the Sun between Sunday night and Monday, in what has been described as the most powerful solar storm so far this year, said yesterday the Meteorological Forecast Center NASA Space.


Today at 12 (midday) Jose Maza will give a Streamig Lecture called "We are Stardust"

The lecture will be bradcasted from "Universidad Central" at Santiago, Chile.


If I were younger, perhaps I might would enlist to go to Mars

José Maza, astronomer at University of Chile & Cata‘s researcher told La Tercera his vision of Mars One, a project that aims to take humans to the "Red Planet"


Meteorites .... Secrets of extraterrestrial rocks

What are the meteorites? What are the chances of an impact on our planet? These are some of the topics that will covered in the our free talk at Univeristy of Concepción, on Tueday 14, May


Solar Eclipse will be broadcasted by streaming

The Moon will cover 95% of the solar disk and form a spectacular aura of light around him. 


Chile must be part of a network that detects meteorites

The Chilean Science Award 1999, PhD in astronomy from the University of Toronto and project coordinator of AstroBus astronomical outreach survey, José Maza Sancho, assesses the state of the astronomical science in Chile and warns about the vulnerability of our country untill the possibility of a meteorite strike.


Dante Minniti is distinguished by the National University of Cordoba

The Astronomer at Catholic University of Chile & researcher at Center for Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (CATA) was one of 40 graduates awarded as part of the celebrations for the fourth centenary of Oldest University of Argentina.


Chile Pins High-Tech Hopes on Heavens

CHAJNANTOR PLATEAU, Chile- The desert here, with its pristine skies and bone-dry climate, is luring bounty of the world‘s stargazers and raising hopes can reap a boon in research and development and high-tech industry


Leonardo Brofman and the receptor for ALMA

The Millimiter Wave Laboratory of the University of Chile reach an umprecedent achievent: to participate in the design and manufacture of an astronomical instrument to an international project such ALMA.


CATA‘ astronomer received an award that recognise the excellence in the teaching

The director of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Catholic University was one of the 22 UC professors who were recognised for their teaching performance.


Zonta International grants María Teresa Ruiz with the "Women of Year" Award

The Director of the Center for Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (CATA) will be recognized today, Friday 26 April, by Zonta. The international organization will award the contribution of the scientist to the Chilean astronomy.



Research where Cata′s astronomers participated was the most read at Monthly Notices of RAS

The article explains the discovery of the largest largest structure ever finded in the universe, in which the Luis Campusano, astronomer at University of Chile participated. The paper was the most read it on the Magazine‘s web page, on Febrarury 2013.


Carbon monoxide in clouds at low metallicity in the dwarf irregular galaxy WLM

The result of the research was published in the latest edition of Nature, providing new insights related to the process of star formation in the early universe.


Successful meeting of VVV survey concluded on Viña del Mar

The meeting was attended, among others, by the astronomers o the Catholic University of Chile and CATA‘s researchers: Dante Minnniti, Manuela Zoccali and Marcio Catelan. The meeting was held in Viña del Mar from March 21 to March 23.


Gloria Project achieved new breakthrough in technological development

The robotic telescope of the University of Chile placed in Cerro Tololo has taken another step in its integration with the Gloria‘s Telescope Network, reaching the status of 100% robotic & 100% tele-operative. The Chilean engineer Eduardo Maureira -Glorias‘ member/University of Chile- and professional in charge of the development tells us what is all about it.


Marí­a Teresa Ruiz receives the Advacement of Award 2013

The award is granted by Scotiabank and seeks to highlight the scientific career of the astrophysic and CATA‘s Director, the recognition also enhances her ability to lead successful multi-disciplinary teams.


Milimeter-wave laboratory designed a revolutionary improvement on radiotelescopes architecture

The research called: "A calibrated digital sideband separating spectrometer for radio astronomy applications" released on March byPublications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific  , describes a new architecture that promises a significantly improvement on performance of existing radio telescopes.a


120 young chileans will participate on Chileva

Among the activities, Jose Maza astronomer at University of Chile and researcher at CATA will give alecture about the the size of the universe at Las Campanas Observatory.


Astronomical Tour: Panstarrs & Lemmon comets

The CATA‘s astrophotographer Roberto Antezana will lead the experience that will take place today (Friday 8) and Saturday 9 of March on La Parva (Santiago). 


CATA′s astronomers published on Nature an accurate distance to the nearest galaxy

Phd.s Grzegorz Pietrzynski & Wolfgang Gieren, were able to reduce the uncertainty of the Hubble constant to 3% by determining the distance to the center of this galaxy with an error of only 2%. The discovery was published today, on Nature


Gloria′s Proyect will make it real!! Well see -on line- the walk of 2012-DA14 asteroid

The course of object will be followed on line, for more infomatio click here


Checking attended by CATA′s astronomers is one of the 10 top discoveries of 2012

Physics World magazine choose the ten top discoveries of 2012, in physic, one of those is the one in which participate the Catholic University’s astronomers: Leopoldo Infante, Rolando Dünner and Cristóbal Sifón.


Cata′s astronomer published a Galactic Structure chapter on an Astrometry International Book

Recently published: Astrometry for Astrophysics: Methods, Models and Applications is one of the few books that offers a complete information on observational astrometry. The publication is aimed at graduate students and researchers of the area.


Chilean astronomers research reveals how the gas decays after the collision of galaxies

The results were obtained using a supercomputer cluster and were plotted in a computer simulation of high complexity. The research was published in the Astrophysical Journal, on Sunday 20 January.


Astronomical Summer at University of Concepción ends with a public Lecture of José Maza

The cycle which began on December 20 ends its activities on Monday 21 (January) with a new outlook for adults and children, including a telescope observation session and an open lecture, led by the CATA‘s astronomer José Maza.


CATA′s astronomers participate at "Congreso del Futuro 2013"

María Teresa Ruiz, Dante Minniti and Mario Hamuy, were the tree CATA‘s astronomer who participated at "Congreso del Futuro 2013", the workshop was held the Senate of Chile, at Santiago.


Cosmic Microwave Background Workshop was held successfully at Cerro Calan

The workshop was organized by the astronomer at the University of Chile and CATA‘s researcher CATA, Luis Campusano. During the meeting there were a several presentations about theoretical and experimental aspects of the area.


An space to ask que question

The Chilean radio astronomer, Guido Garay, one of the men who knows most about the ALMA project, explains the first results of the Mega Array. Also, the scientist warns about the challenges and questions that set the creation of such powerful instrument.



Astronomer at University of Concepción invite the community to analyze the doomsday theory

This Thursday, December 20, one day before the controversial date, astronomers at the University of Concepción, invite the community to analyze and demystify one by one the theories about the so called "end of the world". The entrance is free of charge, and no-registration is prior to 18:30 PM in the hall of the House of Art UdeC.


New neighbours? Closest single star like our Sun may have habitable planet

An international team of astronomers has discovered that Tau Ceti, one of the closest and most Sun-like stars, may host five planets – with one in the star’s habitable zone.


Cata′s astronomer visited Pelluhue

On December 10, astronomers of the University of Chile: Ricardo Muñoz & José Maza, conducted two educational talks for children and youth in the city of Pelluhue (Maule Region), the lecture was related to our Solar System, Star Formation, The planetary interaction, a much.. much more


Chilean astromers performed a computational simulation of Black Holes Colliding

The result was published today in Astrophysical Journal and explains what are the conditions for merging black holes.


Chilean astronomers are part of the team that discover the bigget strcture in the Universe

The founded a 33 quasars grouped creating an area of four thousand billion kilometers.


Curiositys finds possible trazes of organic life on Mars

It detects Sulfur, Chlorine Water and Carbon, but NASA has not determined yet whether its origin is, Martian or not. The CATA‘s researcher and Catholic University astronomer, Dante Minniti explains, the discovery.


Black Holes Course in Calán Hill

The course will begin on Novemnber 19, and will be lectured by Paulina Lira, Cata‘s researcher and astronomer at University of Chile. The classes are open for amateurs and professionals.


Cosmic Sprinklers Explained

Using the VLT (Very Large Telescope) of ESO, a crew of international astronomers -among which was the Cata‘s researcher and astronomer of University of Chile, Avril Day-Jones, has discovered a pair of stars that orbit each other in the center of one of the most iconic planetary nebulae.


Total Solar Eclipse from Australia (ONLINE AVALAIBLE)

Regarding GLORIA‘s project, next Tuesday November 13 every person who have Internet connection will be avalaible to se it (Online).


The Chilean National Astronomical Observatory will be open on Saturday, for free

The invitation connmemorate the 170 years of the U. of Chile and will include tours of historic and modern observatories, plus explanatory talks. Tours start at 10 AM


Cata′s astronomer will launch a book related to Vista Telescope at ESO


Free activity for students! All are invited to the Traveling planetarium in Santiago

Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Catholic University (ISU) invites all children and their teachers to experience the magic of the universe in the Traveling Planetarium.


Wolfgang Gieren concludes a succesuful stage leading the Astronomy Dpt. at Universidad de Concepció

After four years being the Director of the UDEC‘s Astronomy Departament, and beyond as one of the founders of this human group, Mr. Wolfgang Gieren, left the leadership of the academic unit, after two consecutive elected periods. In this new stage, he will be devoted exclusively into the research of "Distance scales in the Universe"


University of Concepción will give an Astronomy course for begginers on October

During the 24th and 25th October, high school students from diverse communities in the Bío Bío Region, will participate in an afternoon astronomy session, with specialized lectures and a workshop about Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy.


Astronomers achieve the most accurated rate of the Expansion of the Universe

The data was captured by Spytzer, a Nasa pace telescope located around the Earth. The informated means that: "In 1000 million year the universe will be 7,5% bigger tnah today", explains José Maza, astronomer at University of Chile.


Chilean astronomers discover the farthest galaxy, seen until now

An international team of scientist, among them two chileans from Catholic University, identified a galaxy of the early Universe. The light emitted began to travel to Earth when the cosmos was only 3.6% of their actual age.


Astronomy invades te Aconcagua Valley

Next Tuesday 2, October, the town of Los Andes will reach the stars. An spectacular session of cosmic observation with telescopes and a lecture called "The Dark side of the universe", by the astronomer José Maza. The session will take at place at the Public Library of the city.


Cata‘s astronomer will dictate a course of Planetary Systems

Learn how planets form, how they move and grouped, and sytudy how honest are the apocalyptic forecasts related to comets and asteroids, are some of the topics that offers the new course for the general public "Planetary Sciences: Solar System and exoplanets", dictacted by the astronomer , Patricio Rojo.


Cata′s astronomer will receive special distintiction at La Cisterna

The astronomer of the University of Chile, and the National Prize of Sciences, José Maza, will be declared "Visita Ilustre (i.e Distinguised Visit) by the Mayor of La Cisterna comune, Santiago Rebolledo, as part of the opening in the First Congress Astronomy School organized by the Cultural Centre Astronomy of that commune.


CATA′s scientist launch astronomy book for kids avalaible on Interenet

"Camila y la Sombra" (i.e Camila and the Shadow) is the name of the new biliographic bet of Ronal Mennickent, astronomer of University of Concepción. The text is avalaible on Amazon


CATA′s astronomers create the most comprehensive Catalag of the Galaxy Center

The shot was taken at Paranal Observatory by astronomers of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile -Roberto Saito and Dante Minniti. The data obtained shows each of the 84 millions of star in the area selected. 


New Course Learning to watch the Sky

For those who enjoy watching a starry sky, the Astronomy Department (DAS) at the University of Chile offer the course: "Observation of celestial phenomena," taught by the astronomer, Ramiro Franco.


CATA′s astronomers will give free lectures at Santiago′s Downtown

The CATA‘s astronomers María Teresa Ruiz, Dante Minniti and José Maza will give three lectures related with astronomy. This conferences will be held in Andres Bello University at Santiago‘s Downtown, between August 20 and August 23. Also will be exhibited the documentary "Center for Astrophysics: 10 years of Astonomy in Chile".


The importance of finding life on Mars

Yesterday, Curiosity landed successfully in Gale Crater, Mars. If there was ever life on that planet, that place should be the answer. Column of the astronomer of the University of Chile, Patricio Rojo in La Tercera Newspaper.


Til Til students learn about how will be the first human colonies in the Moon and Mars

The class was dictated by the astronomer of the University of Chilel. José Maza. The focus of the subjetcts is to make the childrens think about how would be the human colonies in other worlds such The moon and the planet Mars.


CATA′s researcher will do her Postdoctoral Fellowships at ATM Carnegie Institution of Washington

The Ph.D. in Astronomy and Astrophysics of Catholic University, Pamela Arriagada, wil spend the next three year studiyng Exoplanets at Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (DTM) at Carnegie Institution for Science.


Chilean astronomers will investigate Super Masive Black Holes

When, how and where these phenomena are generated are some of the questions that a group of Cata‘s scientists will try to answer. The Astronomers will do this research after obtaining the first place in the ""Concurso de Anillos de Investigación en C&T 2011, of Conicyt”.


CATA′s Director dictates an astronomy lecture at "La Moneda"Palace

The activity was part of the "Diálogoso del Bicentenario" (i.e Dialogues of the Bicentennial) organized by the General Secretariat of the Presidency (SEGPRES). The lecture addressed issues such as the installation of international observatories in northern of Chile and the the Star Formation.


Hubble Unmasks Ghost Galaxies

stronomers have puzzled over why some puny, extremely faint dwarf galaxies spotted in our Milky Way galaxy‘s back yard contain so few stars. These ghost-like galaxies are thought to be some of the tiniest, oldest, and most pristine galaxies in the universe.


The Universe will be the main guest during the winter vacations at "Cerro Calán"

An astronomy workshop for children is offered by the Astronomy Department at the University of Chile (DAS), during this winter vacation to bring the mysteries of the universe to the whole community.


CATA′s astronomers invite the kids to discover the universe during this winter vacations

Despite the cold and the rain, the astronomers at the University of Concepción, are inviting -during this winter vacation- to learn and enjoyastronomy.  The name of the initiative is "Astro-billboard: rain of stars in the UdeC". The program will be held between 17 and 27 July, 2012 on the campus of the same university.


Astronomy Movies in "Centro Cultural Palacio de la Moneda"

CATA‘s astronomers, that are part of the Catholic University, will give four lectures related to the space. The experience will be connected to four movies linked to our Cosmos, such: Avatar, Armageddon and 2001: A Space Oddisey. The session begin on Monday 9, July.


CATA‘s potdoc identify a criteria for Ionized Jets toward High-mass Young Stellar Objects

Andrés Guzman, a postdoctoral researcher at U. of Chile conducted a study that seeks a patterns to identify jets candidates. The scientist recently won a seat in order to develop a postdoc at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, at Harvard.


Dr. Brian Schmidt gives an astronomy lecture to secundary students at National Historical Museum

On Wednesday 27 June the recentley opned "National Museum of Natural History" was the epicenter of the promotion of astronomy in Chile. Dr. Brian Schmidt gave a lecture titled "The Accelerating Universe" organized by Ecoscience Foundation.


Physics Nobel Prize 2011, was warded vit "the "Doctor Honoris Causa" by University of Chile

"It is an honor to receive this award. I have been benefited more than anyone else with the work done by the astronomers of this Univesrity, because their work was key in order to discover the Accleration Expansion of the Universe", said Brian Schmidt after get the distinction.


Mass audience at the premiere of the documentary "10 years of astronomy in Chile"

With over 200 people, almost colapsing the Gorbea Hall of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematic at the University of Chile, the documentary that summarizes a decade of research of the Center for Astrophysics was presented in Santiago.


Directora del CATA dicta charla de astronomía a presidentes de la Alianza del Pacífico en Paranal

La Directora del Centro de Astrofísica y Tecnologías Afines (CATA) y astrónoma del Departamento de Astronomía de la Universidad de Chile, María Teresa Ruiz realizó una charla magistral para los presidentes de México, Colombia, Perú y Chile, con motivo de la cuarta Cumbre de la Alianza del Pacífico.


Astronomy Workshop in Til Til

"When you want to see an alien take a look in the mirror, is the closest one that you will ever see, because from head to toe we our elements came from the universe." With this sentence the astronomer José Maza, gave start to the Astronomy Workshop program.: "Talleres de Astronomía. El Cielo en tus manos", in Til Til.


The astronomer Maria Teresa Ruiz will give a lecture to Childrens in Valdivia

Today, Monday 23 April (11:00 hrs.) at "Universidad Austral", professor Ruiz will be held a public lecture in order to present hers new book: The Universe: Science and Fiction: What (not) tell you stories!.


Astrónomo CATA UdeC descubre particular ausencia de materia oscura en la Vía Láctea

Si la materia oscura no está a nuestro alrededor, no podríamos justificar la rápida rotación de la Vía Láctea, y con ello muchas teorías entran en conflicto. Eso es exactamente lo que Christian Moni-Bidin, investigador del CATA, descubrió.


CATA and Explora Conicyt join the forces in order to carry the Astronomy to Aconcagua Valley

The University of Chile, Explora Conicyt, the Corporación Pro Aconcagua and Subaru will sponsor this project that wil reach 13 Primary School at Aconcagua valley. The astronomical initiative will take high res telescopes to students of third and fourth grade.


Una década de éxitos cierra el Centro de Excelencia en Astrofísica

More than ISI 1,250 publications and the increasing of graduate students in astronomy (by a factor of eight) are among the legacies of this initiative that aimed to prepare Chile for the ALMA‘s era.


Investigadores CATA Udec publican en revista Nature sobre estrellas pulsantes RR Lyrae

En un sistema binario de estrellas, ubicado cerca del centro de nuestra Galaxia, astrónomos UdeC encontraron un objeto con características de una estrella variable RR Lyrae, pero con la mitad de la edad que habitualmente tiene una estrella de ese tipo.


Astronomers of Universidad Católica discover 60 candidates galactic scale gravitational lenses

The work led by astronomers Timo Anguita and Felipe Barrientos will increase the short list of these objects that help to understand the mass and the dark matter in galaxies.


The Cata′s astronomer José Maza will give an Astronomy course. (For All Audiences)

What is a Black Hole?, How do planets form? are only a couple of the things that you will able to to learn in the course "Introduction to Astronomy",  issued by the astronomer at the University of Chile and CATA‘s researcher, José Maza Sancho.


World’s biggest astronomy project: ALMA telescope

What better goal for the world’s biggest telescope than to probe details of how stars like our sun and planets like Earth came to be?


The Accelerating Universe and the role of Calan tololo Survey in its discovery

The ceremony was attended by the President of "Universidad de Chile", Víctor Pérez. To the tibute also assisted some of former members of the survey such the CATA‘s astronomers, Mario Hamuy, Jose Maza and Paulina Lira.


Cata′s astronomer won an Eso Large Programme that will study the early universe

The project will use a spectrograph called X Shooter set in the Very Large Telescope, the largest astronomical observatory in the world, and will examine the path of light emanated from the beginning of the universe, one that ran this survey will take a look of the 90% of space and time history.


Catas student participates in discovery of Galaxy Cluster

A massive new galaxy cluster nicknamed the “the Fat One,” or “El Gordo,” has been discovered thanks to the contribution of an international team in wich the Cristobal Sifón,  Ph.D. student at at Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics at Universidad Católica, participated.


Escolares y profesores de Concepción se dieron cita en Taller de Iniciación a la Astronomía

“Nuestros ojos hacia los secretos del Universo” es el nombre de la actividad educativa encabezada por los astrónomos Ricardo Demarco, Ezequiel Treister, Sandro Villanova y el ingeniero Ricardo Bustos.


Cata˜s astronomers from Universidad Católica won three Fondecyt Surveys

Professors Felipe Barrientos, Gaspar Galaz and Thomas Puzia, all from Universidad Católica, won -each- a Fondecyt Survey, in order to develop the astronomy in Chile.


Astronomer from Univerisity of Concepción won a Fondecyt Survey in order to study Black Holes

Ezequiel Triester, ,an astronomer from the University of Concepcion has just won a Fondecyt Project, which aims to understand the origin and evolution of supermassive black holes.


Three astronomers from University of Chile won Fondecyt Research

In total, 605 initiatives were approved for an amount close to $ 65 thousand million pesos. 152 of this surveys were won by  the University of Chile.


Universidad de Concepción set an astronomical summer

From December 28 until January 20, all are invited to enjoy the Astronomy at Región del Bío Bío. The activities are organized by CATA and the Astronomy Departament at University of Concepcion.


The astronomer María Teresa Ruiz launch an astronomy book for children

"Universo: Ciencia y Ficción… ¡qué (no) te cuenten cuentos!" (i.e: "Universe: Science and Fiction ... don’t let them trick you!) Is the name of the last book of the astronomer Maria Teresa Ruiz. The text will be launched on Thursday December 8, at the  Department of Astronomy, Universidad de Chile.


Winner of Physics Nobel Prize 2011 recognizes CATA′s researchers contribution to astronomy

Saul Perlmutter and Brian Schmidt, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics 2011 made ​​a public acknowledgment of the role that Calan-Tololo Survey had on discovery of the Acceleration Expansion of the Universe. This special mention was made during their scientific lecture at the the offices of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm.


Students of Bio Bio Region assist to Galileoscope workshop at Universidad de Concepción

The activity was sponsored by CATA and was developed during two days - and in six different shifts - at  Astronomy Departament at Universidad de Concepcion". The workshop was under the supervission of the the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory‘s  engineer, Juan  Seguel Beecher.


Cata′s astronomer gives a lecture about Astronomical Instrumentation at Universidad de Valaparaiso

"Con ojos de gigantes: la observación astronómica en el siglo XXI" (i.e: With eyes of Giants: the astronomical instrumentation at XXI century", it is the name of the lecture with wich Felipe Barrientos, Cata‘s researcher and professor at Astronomy and Astrophysics of Universidad Católica, explained the main tools used by the modern astronomy to make their discoveries.


Millimeter-wave Laboratory group published a scientific research in an important journal

Engineers and astronomers of Universidad de Chile participated at the study, that created a prototype antenna for the radio Band 1 receivers at ALMA radio observatory, which begins to investigate the universe at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths with a resolution and sensitivity unprecedented.


Life on Eart may have come from space

The astronomer María Teresa Ruiz, Director of the Center for Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (CATA) will give a lecture about the link between life in Earth, and the alien existence. The speech will be part of the launching of "Congreso del Futuro", meeting that gathers some of the finest scientif of the world.


"It would be fantastic if we stimulate the Astronomy between Chile and China"

This sentence was stated by Dr. Xuelei Chen astronomer of the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy Science, who along with a group of Chinese scientists visited the Chilean National Astronomical Observatory, located in the Department of Astronomy, University of Chile.


Chile is part of the newly created "facebook" astronomical world, it name is Gloria.

Network of 17 telescopes, two of them at Chile, allows users to comment on the internet.


CATA astronomer dictates a lecture about Dark Energy at UCINF

Professor José Maza, one of the most important astronomers in Chile dictates a conference at "Universidad de Ciencias de La Informática" (UCINF). The name of lecture was: "Dark Energy, the fifth force of the nature"


CATA astronomer is part of the team who won The Physics Nobel Prize

Alejandro Clocchiatti, professor of the Department. Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Catholic University of Chile, is author of one of the papers that received the Physic Nobel Prize 2011.


ESO and Chile sign agreement on E-ELT

At a ceremony today in Santiago, Chile the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alfredo Moreno and ESO’s Director General, Tim de Zeeuw, signed an agreement regarding the European Extremely Large Telescope. This agreement between ESO and the Chilean government includes the donation of land for the telescope, as well as a long-term concession to establish a protected area around it, and support from the Chilean government for the establishment of the E-ELT.


CTIO made public recognition of Chilean astronomers whose research led to Nobel of Physics

Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory through a press release on its website congratulated the Chilean astronomers: Mario Hamuy José Maza for their contribution to the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe.


Largest research universities of Chile combine their astronomy strengths with France

The Universities of Chile, Pontificia Catolica de Chile, Concepcion, and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) of France, will work together alternating the direction of the Joint International Unit Franco-Chilean of Astronomy.


Four Percent Universe,the book that explain the biggest Chilean contribution to the astronomy.

The book was written by the american journalist -specializaed in Science - Richard Panek. The text tells the history of how scientist, from all over the world, gathered such knowledge that were able to conclude that our universe is expanding faster and faster. The scope of this discovery is such that it can tip the balance in respect of whom will be the next Nobel prizes in Physics.


UC astronomer, Manuela Zoccali, won the Guggenheim Fellowship

The CATA Scientific will use the grant to finance his sabbatical at Bologna Observatory (Italy) and at E.S.O.


Professor Mario Hamuy wins Guggenheim Fellowship

The scientist of the Astronomy Departament at Universidad de Chile was recognized by the prestigious American foundation. The $ 25,000 fund will be used to finance the automation of robotic telescope at Cerro Tololo.


CATA astronomer study galaxies born in the early universe

The research included the participation of a dozen international experts and based its results on the study of wavelengths called Lyman alpha.


Researcher from "Universidad de Concepción" discovered black holes in early galaxies in the Univers

An international team of astronomers led by Professor Ezequiel Treister (Universidad de Concepción) confirmed the existence of supermassive black holes in the early galaxies and the fact that they grow in relation to the size of the galaxy where they are.


CATA researcher dictates Astronomy Course to Undergraduate Students of Yale University

“Introduction to Observational Astrophysics” is the name of the course that Professor José Maza, will dictate (during six weeks) to undergraduate students of Yale. The program will be dictated at Astronomy Department of Universidad de Chile, at Santiago.


Our Tololo Robotic Telecope has a New Project Manager

The 50-centimeter optical telescope, whose main function is to search for supernovae has begun a new phase. The arrival of Nicolas Ramos, electrical engineer at the University of Chile, for the Project Manager position is the first step in this galactic adventure.


Austrian Academics visits the Chilean National Astronomical Observatory

To strengthening academic ties and to encourage the students exchange were the two main purposes of austrian crew who visited the Astronomical Departament at Universidad de Chile.


Asteroid baptized with the name of the Chilean astronomer Mario Hamuy

The object 10907 was discovered on August 19, 2001 by the Astronomical Observatory Segorbe Pla d‘Arguin in (Castellon, Spain). Its diameter is approximately five kilometers and orbits at an average distance of about 350 million miles from the Sun, taking just over four years to orbit our Star.


MCSS opens Public Outreach Season 2011 in Til Til

The Solar System and the features of its planets, was two of the main subjects that the students of fourth and fifth grade (Primary Education) of "Liceo Huertos Familiares" in Til Til received as part of the 2011 Public Outreach Season of Millennium Center for Supernova Science.


CATA says God Bye to Professor Jorge May Humeres (1936-2011)

When Sun till down on November 19 our partner and friend, Jorge May Humeres, existed no more. He vas a man vinculated to the Science and Knowledge of Astronomy who left behind a legacy of excelence, profesionalism and friendship that will never be forget it.


DAS inagurate Radio Telescope capable of trace the Milky Way

A 1.2-meter Radio Telescope capable of making observations of interstellar carbon monoxide (CO) is the newest addition of the Chilean National Observatory, at Cerro Calan (Santiago, Chile). The instrument will also be useful for students observation such the origins of stars.


CATA researcher advises audiovisual production about Star Formation

“Ha nacido una estrella. El universo está vivo! (In english: One star has borned. The Universe is alive) is the name of the last audivisual production of the "Planetario of Universidad de Santiago". This film, of 30 minutes was advised and scientific monitoring by Ph.D Guido Garay, P.I. of CATA.


CATA‘s Director participated in National Science Prize meeting.

The ceremony was organized by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT), and gathered the astronomer and Director of CATA, María Teresa Ruiz; the biochemistry María cecilia Hidalgo; and the ecologist Mary Kalin.


Jean Pierre Luminet dictates a lecture about the size of the Universe

Since astronomy is part of human knowledge we have wondered, what is the size of the universe? Jean Pierre Luminet, famed French astrophysicist has developed a model to try to achieve that goal.


Czech expert presents the features of the new Observation software designed for Tololo

Petr Kubanek, expert on telescopes management software and computer scientist, creator of RTS2, gave a technical talk to academics and students of the CATA. The presentation referred to the improvements to the remote Telescope System at Cerro Tololo Observatory.


CATA‘s research is published at Nature

A research team led by astronomers Grzegorz Pietrzynski and Wolfgang Gieren, of Center for Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (CATA), were able to measure the mass of a Cepheid variable star with an accuracy of 1% and showed that is in agreement with the pulsation theory.


CATA′s astronomers found the "Rosetta stone"of the T-dwarf stars

An international team of astronomers has discovered a unique and exotic binary system consisting of a sub-stellar object, a very cool brown dwarf rich in methane (also classified as T type brown dwarf) and a white dwarf, in which each orbit around each other.


Robotic Telescope Completes its Installation at Cerro Tololo

This modern instrument will be used to screen and capture Supernovae images. The telescope is already in its new home and will become operational during the fist semester of 2011.


Chilean astronomer published a theory about the Origin of Supermassive Black Holes

The study, published on August 26 at journal Nature, claims that the onset of these black holes could be the product of two early galaxies merger.


Cata‘s researcher joined into the Chilean National Science Academy

In a solemn ceremony held on Wednesday 18 August, the astronomer Mario Hamuy formalized its entry into the prestigious institution


More than 35 expostions were the result of the second Meeting of CATA

The event was held at the Astronomy Department of Universidad de Chile, between 26 and 27 June. The encounter gathered more than 60 astronomers and researchers from five different Universities among our country.


U. Chile Astronomers proved the effectiveness of supernovae in order to measure distances

Several scientists were skeptical about the studies that showed that supernovae were capable to measure distances. But... the Nature edition (July 1, 2010) published an article that clears many doubts about it. Researchers at the Universidad Chile participated in this work.


Chilean astronomers flew to Paris in order to give lectures about supernovae.

The Scientist exposed two presentation and showed two posters, between June 28 and July 2, in an a Astronomy meeting at Paris Institute of Astrophysics.


Interviews at Santiago Subway (Metro): Jose Maza and the Universeo

The famous astronomer will talk with the journalist Vivian Lavin, host of the radio program "Vuelan las Plumas". The conversation will cover different topics such: stars, planets and the crucial role thar Chile has in their study. The appointment will take place in Quinta Normal Subway Station.


The 2nd Season of School Astronomy Lectures has already visited 10 communities and 1,650 students

The initiative has reached to differents 13 schools in 10 communes at "Region Metropolitana". In each one will be setting two lectures: "Solar System"and "Life and Death of Stars. " There are still seven schools to visit.


The largest telescope on Earth will be set up in Chile

The European Southern Observatory council decides that the Extreme Very Large Telescope will be set up at "Cerro Armazones" in the Region of Antogasta in Chile, instead of Spain.


CATA produce a technical workshop about Astronomy Super Computers

The conference will address not only about how to use the supercomputing tools, but also will discuss the challenges of Cosmology and Galaxy Formation from the point of view of simulations and other related parameters.


Universities of Chile and Yale discusses in Santiago about Astronomy

The meeting will focus on the major uses and research issues that will be conducted at Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA).


Concert Under the Stars

A "Concert Under the Stars" marked the closing ceremony of the Chilean International Year of Astronomy (IYA 2009). The activity was in charge of the Astronomy Department (DAS) at the University of Chile along with with the Municipality of Las Condes and the IYA2009 Chilean Node .


Chilean astronomers discovered one of the most mysterious supernovae.

On January 29, the journal Nature will disseminate the almost unique features of the Supernova 2009bb, a star who explote ejecting material in the form of jets at the speed of light.


"Voces del Universo" (ie Voices of the Universe) the last book of the astronomer María Teresa Ruiz

Voices of the Universe is a joint work of the philosopher and writer Margaret Schultz and the astronomer Maria Teresa Ruiz, incorporating spectacular astronomical photographs, scientific information about the cosmos and poetry. The publication is supported by the European Southern Observatory (ESO)


Chilean astronomers meet at Concepción

The Eighth Annual Meeting of the Chilean Society of Astronomy brings together the leading national astronomers and astrophysicists to discuss the challenges of this scientific area. In the event were also involved undergraduate and graduate studentes, plus several prestigious foreign guests.


NASA will carry a profound investigation about the potential presence of life at Mars

According to Gerónimo Villanueva, scientist at Goddard Center for Astrobiology (GCA), during the last months NASA has collected several data of the Red Planet, this fact would be essential in order to know whether the origin of methane in the atmosphere of Mars, is biological or geological.


Thousands of people enjoyed the photographic exhibition on astronomy at "Plaza de la Constitución"

The Center for Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies Astrophysics and Astronomy Department of Universidad moved the exhibition "From the Earth to the Universe" to the Government House. The project also involved the project ALMA.


The universe captivates during the International Book Fair of Santiago

On Sunday November 8 was presented the book "Contemporary Astronomy", written by the scholar at the University of Chile and National Science Award 1999, Ph.D. José Maza.


CATA shines in the Party Star

An spectacular photografic sample, several workshops and a competition were the activities with which CATA celebrate the International Year of Astronomy, in Quinta Normal.




















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