Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Research Areas:
- Interacting binaries, Interstellar medium, Astronomical Instrumentation
- Binarias interactuantes, medio interestelar, instrumentación astronómica
- Email:
- Fono: +56 2 354-7541
Rodolfo Angeloni
In the last years, my research has focused on two independent, yet connected areas: stellar variability in the infrared spectral domain, and multi-wavelength analysis of galactic and extragalactic symbiotic stars.
I obtained my PhD from the Department of Physics & Astronomy of the University of Padova (Italy) in April 2009, discussing a thesis entitled "Gas and Dust Spectral Analysis of Galactic and Extra-galactic Symbiotic Stars" under the supervision of Prof. P. Rafanelli and Dr. M.Contini, of Tel Aviv University, Israel. I spent in fact an important fraction of my PhD years as a visiting student at the Sackler Institute of Astronomy of the Tel Aviv University.
I obtained my MS at the Department of Astronomy of the University of Padova in July 2005, discussing a thesis about the infrared properties of dusty (D-type) symbiotic stars, under the supervision of Prof. P. Rafanelli.
- Ph.D., Doctorate School in Astronomy,Tel Aviv University, Israel. (April 2009)
- M.S., Department of Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Israel. (July 2005)
- Awards
- Publications
- GEMINI-CONICYT Project #32100022 CLP 14,744,000 – October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013.
- PUC School of Engineering Postdoctoral Fellowship CLP 13,200,000 – October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013.
- FONDECYTPostdoctoralResearcher,FondoNacionaldeDesarrolloCient ÌıficoyTecno Ìlogico #3100029, CLP 60,530,000 – October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2012.
- MILKY WAY MILLENNIUM NUCLEUS Postdoctoral Support, Programa Iniciativa Cient Ìıfica Milenio P07-021-F, CLP 1,000,000 – September 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011.
- PhD Student, Universita Ì degli Studi di Padova, Doctorate School in Astronomy, Cycle XXI, 2006-2009.