Valentino González

My research interest is focused on the observational aspects of galaxy formation and evolution, particularly during the first 2 billion years of the history of the Universe (that is 2 thousand millions for the rest of us). My thesis advisor at UCSC was professor Garth Illingworth and my main collaborators are Rychard Bouwens, Ivo Labbé, Pascal Oesch (and the XDF team). We study the observational properties of the most distant galaxies that we can observe with current technology. In our research we exploit the capabilities of two of the most powerful instruments available today: the Hubble and the Spitzer space telescopes..


Ph.D en Astronomía, Universidad de California Santa Cruz
Licenciatura en Ciencias mención Astronomía, FCFM Universidad de Chile

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Departamento de Astronomía
Univesidad de Chile

Instituto de Astrofísica
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Departamento de Astronomía
Universidad de Concepción
Todos los derechos reservados - CATA 2011