Helene Flohic

I completed my Ph.D. in Astronomy & Astrophysics under the supervision of Prof. Michael Eracleous at the Pennsylvania State University in 2008. During my thesis, I tested models for the structure of the broad line region against spectroscopic monitoring data sets of Active Galactic Nuclei.

Also I have worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Irvine, working with Prof. David Buote on X-ray evidence of feedback in galaxy groups. In 2010, I awarded a Fondecyt postdoctoral fellowship to work with Prof. Paulina Lira at the Universidad de Chile. By targeting AGNs with a low black hole mass for spectroscopic and photometric monitoring (using the SMARTS 1.5m and Swift), I‘m  building a rich data sets in a fraction of the time needed for traditional monitoring campaigns. Also, I compared the observed variability with predictions obtained from different models of the broad line region.

Finally, I‘m involved in UV/optical observations of black hole binary candidates with the Hubble Space Telescope and the HET in order to confirm their nature.


  • Licenciada en Ciencias, Universidad de Florida, E.E.U.U (2001)
  • Doctorado, Universidad del Estado de Pennsylvania, E.E.U.U. (2008)
  • Premios
  • Publicaciones
  • FONDECYT postdoctoral fellowship (2010)
  • AAS Small Research Grant (2010)
  • Downsborough Graduate Fellowship (2008)
  • Braddock/Roberts Fellowship (2002-2004)
Departamento de Astronomía
Univesidad de Chile

Instituto de Astrofísica
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Departamento de Astronomía
Universidad de Concepción
Todos los derechos reservados - CATA 2011